2021 – Present | 2011 – 2020 | Abstracts | Dissertations and Theses
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Balanoff, A.M., Bever, G.S., and Ikejiri, T. (2010) The braincase of Apatosaurus (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) based on computed tomography of a new specimen with comments on variation and evolution in sauropod neuroanatomy. American Museum Novitates, 3677, 1-32. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Apatosaurus_sp/
Bhullar, B.-A.S. (2010) Cranial osteology of Exostinus serratus (Squamata: Anguimorpha), fossil sister taxon to the enigmatic clade Xenosaurus. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 159, 921-953.
Buckley, D., Wake, M.H., and Wake, D.B. (2010) Comparative skull osteology of Karsenia koreana (Amphibia, Caudata, Plethodontidae). Journal of Morphology, 271, 533-558. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Karsenia_koreana/whole/
Carlson, W.D. (2010) Dependence of reaction kinetics on H2O activity as infered from rates of intergranular diffusion of aluminium. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 28, 735-752.
Claeson, K.M., Ward, D.J., and Underwood, C.J. (2010) 3D digital imaging of a concretion-preserved batoid (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Morocco. Comptes Rendus Paleovol, 9, 283-287.
Clément, G., and Ahlberg, P.E. (2010) The endocranial anatomy of the early sarcopterygian Powichthys from Spitsbergen, based on CT scanning, pp. 363-377 in: Elliott, D.K., Maisey, J.G., Yu, X., and Miao, D., eds., Morphology, Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography of Fossil Fishes. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München.
Coleman, M.N., and Colbert, M.W. (2010) Correlations between auditory structures and hearing sensitivity in non-human primates. Journal of Morphology, 271, 511-532.
Coleman, M.N., Kay, R.F., and Colbert, M.W. (2010) Auditory morphology and hearing sensitivity in fossil New World monkeys. The Anatomical Record, 293, 1711-1721.
Comeaux, R.S., Olori, J.C., and Bell, C.J. (2010) Cranial osteology and preliminary phylogenetic assessment of Plectrurus aureus Beddome, 1880 (Squamata: Serpentes: Uropelitdae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 160, 118-138.
Couette, S., and White, J. (2010) 3D geometric morphometrics and missing-data. Can extant taxa give clues for the analysis of fossil primates? Comptes Rendus Palevol, 9, 423-433. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Eulemur_fulvus_fulvus/
Daza, J.D., and Bauer, A.M. (2010) The circumorbital bones of the Gekkota (Reptilia: Squamata). The Anatomical Record, 293, 402-413.
Degrange, F.J., Tambussi, C.P., Moreno, K., Witmer, L.M., and Wroe, S. (2010) Mechanical analysis of feeding behavior in the extinct “Terror Bird” Andalgalornis steulleti (Gruiformes: Phorusrhacidae). PLoS ONE, 5(8), e11856. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Haliaeetus_leucocephalus/
Delfino, M., and De Vos, J. (2010) A revision of the Dubois Crocodylians, Gavialis bengawanicus and Crocodylus ossifragus, from the Pleistocene Homo erectus beds of Java. The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30, 427-441.
Delfino, M., and Sánchez-Villagra, M.R. (2010) A survey of the rock record of reptilian ontogeny. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 21, 432-440.
Ekdale, E.G. (2010) Ontogenetic variation in the bony labyrinth of Monodelphis domestica (Mammalia: Marsupialia) following ossification of the inner ear cavities. The Anatomical Record, 293, 1896-1912. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Monodelphis_domestica/adult/index.phtml
Fink, W.L., and Humphries, J.H. (2010) Morphological description of the extinct North American sucker Moxostoma lacerum (Otariophysi, Catostomidae), based on high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. Copeia, 2010, 5-13. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Moxostoma_lacerum/
Fletcher, T.M., Janis, C.M., and Rayfield, E.J. (2010) Finite element analysis of ungulate jaws: can mode of digestive physiology be determined? Palaeontologia Electronica, 13.2.21A. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Tapirus_terrestris/
Gaffney, E.S., Jenkins, F.A. (2010) The cranial morphology of Kayentachelys, an Early Jurassic cryptodire, and the early history of turtles. Acta Zoologica, 91, 335-368.
Gatesy, S.M., Baier, D.B., Jenkins, F.A., and Dial, K.P. (2010) Scientific rotoscoping: a morphology-based method of 3-D motion analysis and visualization. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 313A, 244-261.
Gordon, C.T., Brinas, I.M.L., Rodda, F.A., Bendall, A.J., and Farlie, P.G. (2010) Role of Dlx genes in craniofacial morphogenesis: Dlx2 influences skeletal patterning by inducing ectomesenchymal aggregation in ovo. Evolution and Development, 12, 459-473.
Griffin, N.L., D’Août, K., Ryan, T.M., Richmond, B.G., Ketcham, R.A., and Postnov, A. (2010) Comparative forefoot trabecular bone architecture in extant hominids. Journal of Human Evolution, 59, 202-213.
Handrigan, G.R., and Richman, J.M. (2010) Autocrine and paracrine Shh signaling are necessary for tooth morphogenesis, but not tooth replacement in snakes and lizards (Squamata). Developmental Biology, 337, 171-186. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Eublepharis_macularius/
Holliday, C.M., Gardner, N.M., Paesani, S.M., Douthitt, M., and Ratliff, J.L. (2010) Microanatomy of the mandibular symphysis in lizards: patterns in fiber orientation and Meckel’s cartilage and their significance in cranial evolution. The Anatomical Record, 293, 1350-1359.
Huddlestone-Holmes, C.R., and Ketcham, R.A. (2010) An X-ray computed tomography study of inclusion trail orientations in multiple porphyroblasts from a single sample. Tectonophysics, 480, 305-320.
Johnston, P. (2010) The constrictor dorsalis musculature and basipterygoid articulation in Sphenodon. Journal of Morphology, 271, 280-292. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Sphenodon_punctatus/adult/
Ketcham, R.A., Slottke, D.T., and Sharp, J.M. Jr. (2010) Three-dimensional measurement of fractures in heterogeneous materials using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. Geosphere, 6, 499-514.
Kley, N.J., Sertich, J.J.W., Turner, A.H., Krause, D.W., O’Connor, P.M., and Georgi, J.A. (2010) Craniofacial morphology of Simosuchus clarki (Crocodyliformes: Notosuchia) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Memoir 10, 30(6 Supplement), 13-98. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Simosuchus_clarki/
Ladevèze, S., de Muizon, C., Colbert, M., and Smith, T. (2010) 3D computational imaging of the petrosal of a new multituberculate mammal from the Late Cretaceous of China and its paleobiologic inferences. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 9, 319-330.
Laduke, T.C., Krause, D.W., Scanlon, J.D., and Kley, N.J. (2010) A Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) snake assemblage from the Maevarano Formation, Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30, 109-138. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Menarana_nosymena/
Lane, J.A. (2010) Morphology of the braincase in the Cretaceous hybodont shark Tribodus limae (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii), based on CT scanning. American Museum Novitates, 3681, 1-70.
Long, J.M., and Stewart, D.R. (2010) Verification of otolith identity used by fisheries scientists for aging channel catfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 139, 1775-1779.
Maisey, J.G., and Lane, J.A. (2010) Labyrinth morphology and the evolution of low-frequency phonoreception in elasmobranchs. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 9, 289-309.
Meegaskumbura, M., Meegaskumbura, S., Bowatte, G., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Pethiyagoda, R., Hanken, J., and Schneider, C.J. (2010) Taruga (Anura: Rhacophoridae), a new genus of foam-nesting tree frogs endemic to Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences), 39, 75-94.
Molineux, A., Scott, R., Maisano, J., Ketcham, R., and Zachos, L. (2010) Blending rudists with technology; non-destructive examination of the internal and external structures of rudists using high quality scanning and digital imagery. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 19, 757-767.
Mostany, R., Chowdhury, T.G., Johnston, D.G., Portonovo, S.A., Carmichael, S.T., and Portera-Cailliau, C. (2010) Local hemodynamics dictate long-term dendritic plasticity in peri-infarct cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 14116-14126. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Mus_musculus/
Olori, J.C. (2010) Digital endocasts of the cranial cavity and osseous labyrinth of the burrowing snake Uropeltis woodmasoni (Alethinophidia: Uropeltidae). Copeia, 2010, 14-26.
Perry, J.M.G., Kay, R.F., Vizcaíno, S.F., and Bargo, S. (2010) Tooth root size, chewing muscle leverage, and the biology of Homunculus patagonicus (Primates) from the late early Miocene of Patagonia. Ameghiniana, 47, 355-371. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Tremacebus_harringtoni/
Polacci, M., Mancini, L., and Baker, D.R. (2010) The contribution of synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography to understanding volcanic processes. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 17, 215-221.
Pradel, A. (2010) Skull and brain anatomy of Late Carboniferous Sibyrhynchidae (Chondrichthyes, Inopterygia) from Kansas and Oklahoma (USA). Geodiversitas, 32, 595-661.
Pradel, A., Tafforeau, P., and Janvier, P. (2010) Study of the pectoral girdle and fins of the Late Carboniferous sibyrhynchid iniopterygians (Vertebrata, Chondrichthyes, Iniopterygia) from Kansas and Oklahoma (USA) by means of microtomography, with comments on iniopterygian relationships. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 9, 377-387.
Rauhut, O.W.M., Milner, A.C., and Moore-Fay, S. (2010) Cranial osteology and phylogenetic position of the theropod dinosaur Proceratosaurus bradleyi (Woodward, 1910) from the Middle Jurassic of England. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 158, 155-195.
Ritschdorff, E.T., Shear, J.B. (2010) Multiphoton lithography using a high-repetition rate microchip laser. Analytical Chemistry, 82(20), 8733-8737.
Ryan, T.M., Colbert, M., Ketcham, R.A., and Vinyard, C.J. (2010) Trabecular bone structure in the mandibular condyles of gouging and nongouging platyrrhine primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 141, 583-593.
Scott, R.W., and Weaver, M. (2010) Ontogeny and functional morphology of a Lower Cretaceous caprinid rudist (Bivalvia, Hippuritoida). Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 19, 527-542.
Simmons, N.B., Seymour, K.L., Habersetzer, J., and Gunnell, G.F. (2010) Inferring echolocation in ancient bats. Nature, 466, E8. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Myzopoda_aurita/whole/
Slater, G.J., Figueirido, B., Louis, L., Yang, P., and Van Valkenburgh, B. (2010) Biomechanical consequences of rapid evolution in the polar bear lineage. PLoS ONE, 5(11), e13870. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Ursus_maritimus/male/
Smith, T.D., Rossie, J.B., Cooper, G.M., Carmody, K.A., Schmieg, R.M., Bonar, C.J., Mooney, M.P., and Siegel, M.I. (2010) The maxillary sinus in three genera of New World monkeys: factors that constrain secondary pneumatization. The Anatomical Record, 293, 91-107.
Torregrosa, V., Petrucci, M., Pérez-Claros, J.A., and Palmqvist, P. (2010) Nasal aperture area and body mass in felids: ecophysiological implications and paleobiological inferences. Geobios, 43, 653-661. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Acinonyx_jubatus/male/
Tung, Y.-S., Choi, J.J., Baseri, B., and Konofagou, E.E. (2010) Identifying the inertial cavitation threshold and skull effects in a vessel phantom using focused ultrasound and microbubbles. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 36, 840-852. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Mus_musculus/
Whitney, D.L., and Seaton, N.C.A. (2010) Garnet polycrystals and the significance of clustered crystallization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 160, 591-607.
Wilson, C.J., Wilson, P.S., Greene, C.A., and Dunton, K.H. (2010) Seagrass leaves in 3-D: Using computed tomography and low-frequency acoustics to investigate the material properties of seagrass tissue. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 395, 128-134.
Young, B.A., and Kardong, K.V. (2010) The functional morphology of hooding in cobras. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213, 1521-1528. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Naja_haje/
Zolensky, M., Herrin, J., Mikouchi, T., Ohsumi, K., Friedrich, J., Steele, A., Rumble, D., Fries, M., Sandford, S., Milam, S., Hagiya, K., Takeda, H., Satake, W., Kurihara, T., Colbert, M., Hanna, R., Maisano, J., Ketcham, R., Goodrich, C., Le, L., Robinson, G., Martinez, J., Ross, K., Jenniskens, P., and Shaddad, M.H. (2010) Mineralogy and petrography of the Almahata Sitta ureilite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 45, 1618-1637.
2009 Top of Page
Beck, R.M.D. (2009) Was the Oligo-Miocene Australian metatherian Yalkaparidon a ‘mammalian woodpecker’?. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 97, 1-17.
Brinkman, D., Aquillon-Martinez, M.C., de Leon Dávila, C.A., Jamniczky, H., Eberth, D.A., and Colbert, M. (2009) Euclastes coahuilaensis sp. nov., a basal cheloniid turtle from the late Campanian Cerro del Pueblo Formation of Coahuila State, Mexico. PaleoBios, 28, 76-88.
Callier, V., Clack, J.A., and Ahlberg, P.E. (2009) Contrasting developmental trajectories in the earliest known tetrapod forelimbs. Science, 324, 364-367.
Canudo, J.I., Barco, J.L., Pereda-Suberbiola, X., Ruiz-Omeñaca, J.I., Salgado, L., Fernández-Baldor, F.T., Gasulla, J.M. (2009) What Iberian dinosaurs reveal about the bridge said to exist between Gondwana and Laurasia in the Early Cretaceous. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 180, 5-11.
Cardenas, M.B., Slottke, D.T., Ketcham, R.A., and Sharp, J.M. Jr. (2009) Effects of inertia and directionality on flow and transport in a rough asymmetric fracture. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B06204.
Clement, G., Snitting, D., and Ahlberg, P.E. (2009) A new tristichopterid (Sarcopterygii, Tetrapodomorpha) from the Upper Famennian Evieux Formation (Upper Devonian) of Belgium. Palaeontology, 52, 823-836. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Eusthenopteron_foordi/
Coleman, J.L. (2009) A strange tale of taillessness in a vespertilionid bat. Acta Chiropterologica, 11, 212-215. Supplemental material: bats on www.digimorph.org/
Cunningham, K.J., Sukop, M.C., Huang, H., Alvarez, P.F., Curran, H.A., Renken, R.A., and Dixon, J.F. (2009) Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: stratiform super-K zones. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 121, 164-180.
Curtis, N., Jones, M.E.H., Evans, S.E., O’Higgins, P., and Fagan, M.J. (2009) Visualising muscle anatomy using three-dimensional computer models – an example using the head and neck muscles of Sphenodon. Palaeontologia Electronica, 12.3.7T. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Sphenodon_punctatus/adult/
DeSalle, R. (2009) Molecular tooth decay. PLoS Genetics, 5(9), e1000655.
Dible, S.A., Flint, J.A., and Lepper, P.A. (2009) On the role of periodic structures in the lower jaw of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 4, 015005.
Funk, W.C., and Cannatella, D.C. (2009) A new, large species of Chiasmocleis Méhelÿ 1904 (Anura: Microhylidae) from the Iquitos region, Amazonian Peru. Zootaxa, 2247, 37-50.
Gosman, J.H., and Ketcham, R.A. (2009) Patterns in ontogeny of human trabecular bone from SunWatch Village in the prehistoric Ohio Valley: general features of microarchitectural change. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 138, 318-332.
Head, J.J., Barrett, P.M., and Rayfield, E.J. (2009) Neurocranial osteology and systematic relationships of Varanus (Megalania) prisca Owen, 1859 (Squamata: Varanidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 155, 445-457. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Lanthanotus_borneensis/
Holliday, C.M., and Witmer, L.M. (2009) The epipterygoid of crocodyliforms and its significance for the evolution of the orbitotemporal region of eusuchians. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29, 715-733.
Jones, M.E.H., Curtis, N., O’Higgins, P., Fagan, M., and Evans, S.E. (2009) The head and neck muscles associated with feeding in Sphenodon (Reptilia: Lepidosauria: Rhynchocephalia). Palaeontologia Electronica, 12.2.7A. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Sphenodon_punctatus/adult/
Kardong, K.V. (2009) Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Kirk, E.C., and Gosselin-Ildari, A.D. (2009) Cochlear labyrinth volume and hearing abilities in primates. The Anatomical Record, 292, 765-776.
Lane, J.A., and Maisey, J.G. (2009) Pectoral anatomy of Tribodus limae (Elasmobranchii: Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of northeastern Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29, 25-38.
Levitt, D.B., Jackson, A.C., Heinson, C., Britton, L.N., Malik, T., Dwarakanath, V., and Pope, G.A. (2009) Identification and evaluation of high-performance EOR surfactants. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 12, 243-253.
Liu, Y., Taylor, L.A., Sarbadhikari, A.B., Valley, J.W., Ushikubo, T., Spicuzza, M.J., Kita, N., Ketcham, R., Carlson, W., Shatsky, V., and Sobolev, N.V. (2009) Metasomatic origin of diamonds in the world’s largest diamondiferous eclogite. Lithos, 112, Supp. 2, 1014-1024.
Louis, L., Baud, P., and Wong, T.-f. (2009) Microstructural inhomogeneity and mechanical anisotropy associated with bedding in Rothbach Sandstone. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 166, 1063-1087.
Luckenbill, K.R., and Lundberg, J.G. (2009) CAT scan-based images of the skeleton of the Asian catfish Cranoglanis (Siluriformes: Cranoglanididae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 158, 297-299. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Cranoglanis_bouderius/
Lyras, G.A. (2009) The evolution of the brain in Canidae (Mammalia: Carnivora). Scripta Geologica, 139, 1-93.
Macrini, T.E. (2009) Description of a digital cranial endocast of Bathygenys reevesi (Merycoidodontidae; Oreodontoidea) and implications for apomorphy-based diagnosis of isolated, natural endocasts. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29, 1199-1211. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Bathygenys_reevesi/
Maisey, J., Miller, R., and Turner, S. (2009) The braincase of the chondrichthyan Doliodus from the Lower Devonian Campbellton Formation of New Brunswick, Canada. Acta Zoologica, 90, 109-122.
Milner, A.C., and Walsh, S.A. (2009) Avian brain evolution: new data from Palaeogene birds (Lower Eocene) from England. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 155, 198-219.
Moazen, M., Curtis, N., O’Higgins, P., Evans, S.E., and Fagan, M.J. (2009) Biomechanical assessment of evolutionary changes in the lepidosaurian skull. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 8273-8277. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Uromastyx_hardwickii/
Moazen, M., Curtis, N., O’Higgins, P., Evans, S.E., and Fagan, M.J. (2009) Assessment of the role of sutures in a lizard skull: a computer modelling study. Proceedings. Biological Sciences, 276, 39-46. Supplemental material: http://www.digimorph.org/specimens/Uromastyx_aegyptius/
Nielson, R., Kaehr, B., and Shear, J.B. (2009) Microreplication and design of biological architectures using dynamic-mask multiphoton lithography. Small, 5, 120-125.
Norell, M.A., Makovicky, P.J., Bever, G.S., Balanoff, A.M., Clark, J.M., Barsbold, R., and Rowe, T. (2009) A review of the Mongolian Cretaceous dinosaur Saurornithoides (Troodontidae: Theropoda). American Museum Novitates, 3654, 1-63.
Owens, S.A., Kossmann, A., Farone, J., Eldridge, R.B., and Ketcham, R.A. (2009) Flow field visualization in structured packing using real time X-ray radiography. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 3606-3618.
Pietsch, T.W., Johnson, J.W., and Arnold, R.J. (2009) A new genus and species of the shallow-water anglerfish family Tetrabrachiidae (Teleostei: Lophiiformes: Antennarioidei) from Australia and Indonesia. Copeia, 2009, 483-493. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Dibrachichthys_melanurus/
Pradel, A., Langer, M., Maisey, J.G., Geffard-Kuriyama, D., Cloetens, P., Janvier, P., and Tafforeau, P. (2009) Skull and brain of a 300-million-year-old chimaeroid fish revealed by synchrotron holotomography. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 5224-5228.
Rieppel, O., Kley, N.J., and Maisano, J.A. (2009) Morphology of the skull of the white-nosed blindsnake, Liotyphlops albirostris (Scolecophidia: Anomalepididae). Journal of Morphology, 270, 536-557. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Liotyphlops_albirostris/
Robyr, M., Carlson, W.D., Passchier, C., and Vonlanthen, P. (2009) Microstructural, chemical and textural records during growth of snowball garnet. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 423-437.
Schaefer, S.A., and Fernández, L. (2009) Redescription of the Pez Graso, Rhizosomichthys totae (Trichomycteridae), of Lago de Tota, Colombia, and aspects of cranial osteology revealed by microtomography. Copeia, 2009, 510-522.
Sereno, P.C., and Larsson, H.C.E. (2009) Cretaceous crocodyliforms from the Sahara. ZooKeys, 28, 1-143.
Silcox, M.T., Bloch, J.I., Boyer, D.M., Godinot, M., Ryan, T.M., Spoor, F., and Walker, A. (2009) Semicircular canal system in early primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 56, 315-327.
Slater, G.J., Dumont, E.R., and Van Valkenburgh, B. (2009) Implications of predatory specialization for cranial form and function in canids. Journal of Zoology, 278, 181-188.
Smith, K.T. (2009) Eocene lizards of the clade Geiseltaliellus from Messel and Geiseltal, Germany, and the early radiation of Iguanidae (Reptilia: Squamata). Peabody Museum of Natural History Bulletin, 50, 219-306.
Stayton, C.T. (2009) Application of thin-plate spline transformations to finite element models, or, how to turn a bog turtle into a spotted turtle to analyze both. Evolution, 63-5, 1348-1355. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Glyptemys_muhlenbergii/whole/
Wake, M.H., and Donnelly, M.A. (2009) A new lungless caecilian (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) from Guyana. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences, 277, 915-922.
Walsh, S.A., Barrett, P.M., Milner, A.C., Manley, G., and Witmer, L.M. (2009) Inner ear anatomy is a proxy for deducing auditory capability and behaviour in reptiles and birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences, 276, 1355-1360.
Witmer, L.M., and Ridgely, R.C. (2009) New insights into the brain, braincase, and ear region of tyrannosaurs (Dinosauria, Theropoda), with implications for sensory organization and behavior. Anatomical Record, 292, 1266-1296.
Zimmerman, D.M., Douglass, M., Sutherland-Smith, M., Aguilar, R., Schaftenaar, W., and Shores, A. (2009) Compressive myelopathy of the cervical spine in komodo dragons (Varanus komodensis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 40, 207-210.
2008 Top of Page
Bafna, S., Humphries, J., and Miranker, D.P. (2008) Schema driven assignment and implementation of life science identifiers (LSIDs). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 41, 730-738.
Balanoff, A.M., Norell, M.A., Grellet-Tinner, G., and Lewin, M.R. (2008) Digital preparation of a probable neoceratopsian preserved within an egg, with comments on microstructural anatomy of ornithischian eggshells. Naturwissenschaften, 95, 493-500. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/neoceratopsian_egg/
Benedix, G.K., Ketcham, R.A., Wilson, L., McCoy, T.J., Bogard, D.D., Garrison, D.H., Herzog, G.F., Xue, S., Klein, J., and Middleton, R. (2008) The formation and chronology of the PAT 91501 impact-melt L chondrite with vesicle-metal-sulfide assemblages. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 79, 2417-2428.
Bruet, B.J.F, Song, J., Boyce, M.C., and Ortiz, C. (2008) Materials design principles of ancient fish armour. Nature Materials, 7, 748-756. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Polypterus_senegalus/whole/
Cadena, E., Jaramillo, C., and Paramo, M.E. (2008) New material of Chelus colombiana (Testudines; Pleurodira) from the Lower Miocene of Colombia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28, 1206-1212.
Claeson, K.M. (2008) Variation of the synarcual in the California Ray, Raja inornata (Elasmobranchii: Rajidae). Acta Geologica Polonica, 58, 121-126.
Conrad, J.L. (2008) Phylogeny and systematics of Squamata (Reptilia) based on morphology. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 310, 1-182. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/AMNH_21444/
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2004 Top of Page
Alonso, P.D., Milner, A.C., Ketcham, R.A., Cookson, M.J. and Rowe, T.B. (2004) The avian nature of the brain and inner ear of Archaeopteryx. Nature, 430, 666-669. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Archaeopteryx_lithographica/
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2003 Top of Page
Anderson, J.S., Carroll, R.L., and Rowe, T. (2003) New information on Lethiscus stocki (Tetrapoda: Lepospondyli: Aistopoda) from high-resolution computed tomography and a phylogenetic analysis of Aistopoda. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 40, 1071-1083.
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2002 Top of Page
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Maisano, J.A., Bell, C.J., Gauthier, J., and Rowe, T. (2002) The osteoderms and palpebral in Lanthanotus borneensis (Squamata: Anguimorpha). Journal of Herpetology, 36, 678-682. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Lanthanotus_borneensis/
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Ryan, T., and Ketcham, R.A. (2002) Femoral head trabecular bone structure in two omomyid primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 43, 241-263.
Ryan, T., and Ketcham, R.A. (2002) The three-dimensional structure of trabecular bone in the femoral head of strepsirrhine primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 43, 1-26.
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Tykoski, R.S., Rowe, T.B., Ketcham, R.A., and Colbert, M.W. (2002) Calsoyasuchus valliceps, a new crocodyliform from the early Jurassic Kayenta Formation of Arizona. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 22, 593-611. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/calsoyasuchusvalliceps/
2001 Top of Page
Arns, C.H., Knackstedt, M.A., Pinczewski, W.V., and Lindquist, W.B. (2001) Accurate estimation of transport properties from microtomographic images. Geophysical Research letters, 28, 3361-3364.
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Ketcham, R.A., and Carlson, W.D. (2001) Acquisition, optimization and interpretation of X-ray computed tomographic imagery: Applications to the geosciences. Computers and Geosciences, 27, 381-400.
Ketcham, R.A., and Shashidhar, N. (2001) Quantitative analysis of 3-D images of asphalt concrete, Paper No. 01-0321. Transportation Research Board 80th Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Maisey, J.G. (2001) A primitive chondrichthyan braincase from the Middle Devonian of Bolivia. In E. Ahlberg, Ed. Major events in early vertebrate evolution, p. 263-288. Taylor & Francis, London.
Maisey, J.G. (2001) Remarks on the inner ear of elasmobranchs and its interpretations from skeletal labyrinth morphology. Journal of Morphology, 250, 236-264.
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Maisey, J.G. (2001) CT-scan reveals new cranial features in Devonian chondrichthyan “Cladodus” wildungensis. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21, 807-810.
Rowe, T., Ketcham, R.A., Denison, C., Colbert, M., Xu, X., and Currie, P.J. (2001) Forensic paleontology: The Archaeoraptor forgery. Nature, 410, 539-540.
Rubin, A.E., Ulff-Møller, F., Wasson, J.T., and Carlson, W.D. (2001) The Portales Valley meteorite breccia: Evidence for impact-induced melting and metamorphism of an ordinary chondrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 323-342.
2000 Top of Page
Carlson, W.D., Denison, C., and Ketcham, R.A. (2000) High-resolution X-ray computed tomography as a tool for visualization and quantitative analysis of igneous textures in three dimensions. Visual Geosciences, 4, 1-14.
Grimaldi, D., Nguyen, T., and Ketcham, R.A. (2000) Ultra-high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (UHR CT) and the study of fossils in amber. In D. Grimaldi, Ed. Studies on fossils in amber, with particular reference to the Cretaceous of New Jersey, p. 77-91. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Helmle, K.P., Dodge, R.E., and Ketcham, R.A. (2000) Skeletal architecture and density banding in Diploria strigosa by X-ray computed tomography. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 1, 365-371.
Hirsch, D.M., Ketcham, R.A., and Carlson, W.D. (2000) An evaluation of spatial correlation functions in textural analysis of metamorphic rocks. Geological Materials Research, 2.
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Taylor, L.A., Keller, R.A., Snyder, G.A., Wang, W., Carlson, W.D., Hauri, E.H., McCandless, T., Kim, K.-R., Sobolev, N., and Bezborodov, S.M. (2000) Diamonds and their mineral inclusions, and what they tell us: a detailed “pull apart” of a diamondiferous eclogite. International Geology Review, 42, 959-983.
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1999 Top of Page
Brown, M.A., Brown, M., Carlson, W.D., and Denison, C. (1999) Topology of syntectonic melt flow networks in the deep crust: inferences from three-dimensional images of leucosome geometry in migmatites. American Mineralogist, 84, 1793-1818.
Carlson, W.D., Denison, C., and Ketcham, R.A. (1999) Visualization and quantitative analysis of igneous textures in three dimensions using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. Electronic Geosciences, 4, 1-14.
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Cifelli, R.L., Lipka, T.R., Schaff, C.R., and Rowe., T.B. (1999) First Early Cretaceous mammal from the eastern seaboard of the United States. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19, 199-203. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Arundelconodon_hottoni/
Keller, R.A., Taylor, L.A., Snyder, G.A., Sobolev, V.N., Carlson, W.D., Bezborodov, S.M., and Sobolev, N.V. (1999) Detailed pull-apart of a diamondiferous eclogite xenolith: Implications for mantle processes during diamond genesis. In J.J. Gurney, J.L. Gurney, M.D. Pascoe, and S.H. Richardson, Eds. 7th International Kimberlite Conference, 1, p. 397-412. National Printers, South Africa.
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1998 Top of Page
Cifelli, R.L., and Muizon, C. (1998) Marsupial mammal from the Upper Cretaceous North Horn Formation, central Utah. Journal of Paleontology, 72, 532-537.
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1997 Top of Page
Chernoff, C.B., and Carlson, W.D. (1997) Disequilibrium for Ca during growth of pelitic garnet. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 15, 421-438.
Denison, C., and Carlson, W.D. (1997) Three-dimensional quantitative textural analysis of metamorphic rocks using high-resolution computed X-ray tomography: Part II. Application to natural samples. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 15, 45-57.
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