The following overview is excerpted from: Ketcham, R.A. (2005b) Three-dimensional grain fabric measurements using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 1217-1228 and Ketcham, R.A., and Ryan, T. (2004) Quantification and visualization of anisotropy in trabecular bone. Journal of Microscopy, 213, 158-171.
Quant3D is a versatile program that can be used to analyze fabrics in any three-dimensional data set; examples include quantification of anisotropy in trabecular bone (Ketcham and Ryan, 2004; Ryan and Ketcham, 2005) and textural analysis of metamorphic rocks (Ketcham, 2005b). Fabric tensors are produced based on the star volume distribution (SVD), star length distribution (SLD), and mean intercept length (MIL) methods. Principal component directions and magnitudes are provided by the tensors, providing the degree of anisotropy and shape indices of the phase of interest. Three-dimensional rose diagrams are a unique feature implemented in Quant3D for analyzing non-orthogonal directional fabric components; they are VRML-format graphics files that can be rotated and viewed interactively.

Example of fabric analysis of quartzofeldspathic layers using Quant3D. In (a) the scan data are first segmented to isolate the material of interest, in this case garnet (white), biotite + kyanite (gray), and quartz + feldspar (black). ‘Star’ analyses proceed by placing a series of points within the material of interest, and measuring the distance from each point to the material boundary in many directions (red lines). Only two dimensions shown here, but measurements are actually made in 3D. The analysis directions are uniformly distributed in three dimensions on a grid defined by the line intersections on the sphere shown in (b). To create a 3D rose diagram, each intersection in (b) is projected from the origin by its relative star volume component value (c). Colors are assigned based on SVD/Max(SVD), and color coding from 0 (violet) to 1 (red) (from Ketcham, 2005b).

3D rose diagrams showing relative SVD component magnitudes for quartz + plagioclase (upper row) and garnet (lower row) in sample MD generated in Quant3D. First diagram in each row (a,d) is viewed down the ‘Up’ axis; second diagram (b,c) is viewed along the second eigenvector, and third (c,f) is an arbitrary orientation. The diagrams are stored in VRML 97 format, and can be viewed interactively with a number of software applications and browser plug-ins (from Ketcham, 2005b).
Papers Utilizing Quant3D
2024 Top of Page
Cartwright, C., Ragni, A., Hublin, J.-J., and Chirchir, H. (2024) . Trabecular bone volume fraction in Holocene and Late Pleistocene humans. Journal of Human Evolution, 190, 103499.
Rosic, N., Mollo, M., Bernal, C., and Cosmi, F. (2024) The effect of microstructure on the tensile and impact behaviour of short-glass fibre-reinforced polyamide 6.6 as assessed by micro-computed tomography. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 238, 39-49.
2023 Top of Page
Assif, L., and Chirchir, H. (2023) Trabecular bone morphology in big cats reflects the complex diversity of limb use but not home range size or daily travel distance. The Anatomical Record, 307, 208-222.
Cazenave, M., and Radovčić, D. (2023) The Neanderthal patellae from Krapina (Croatia): A comparative investigation of their endostructural conformation and distinctive features compared to the human condition. The American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 181, 118-129
Gong, L., Jiang, Y., Ou, S., Qian, G., and Liu, Z. (2023) Characterization on the mesostructural distribution of asphalt mixtures via digital image processing and relation to macroscopic performances. Construction and Building Materials, 404, 133212.
Sriram, K., Mahajan, P., Ahmad, S., and Bhatnagar, N. (2023) Evaluation of compressive behavior of porous structures under large deformation using micro-CT, DVC and micro-FE. Strain, 59, e12441.
Yu, X., Qi, D., and Lu, S. (2023) Development of pore structure and related driving factors following land-use change by dual-scale x-ray tomography. European Journal of Soil Science, 74, e13445.
Zack, E.H., Smith, S.M., and Angielczyk, K. (2023) From fairies to giants: Untangling the effect of body size, phylogeny, and ecology on vertebral bone microstructure of xenarthran mammals. Integrative Organismal Biology, 5, obad002.
2022 Top of Page
Aboulhassan, A., Brun, F., Kourousias, G, Lanzafame, G., Voltolini, A., Contillo, A., and Mancini, L. (2022) PyPore3D: an open source software tool for imaging data processing and analysis of porous and multiphase media. Journal of Imaging, 8, 187.
Dionnet, Z., Aléon-Topani, A., Brunetto, R., Rubino, S, Suttle, M.D., Lantz, C., Avdellidou, C., Baklouti, D., Borondics, F., Djouadi, Z., Grieco, F., Héripré, E., Nakamura, T., Rotundi, A., and Scheel, M. (2022) Multiscale correlated analysis of the Aguas Zarcas CM chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 57, 965-988.
Eckley, S.A. (2022) Magmatic thermal histories and emplacement mechanisms of Martian shergottite meteorites. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 212p.
Eckley, S.A., and Ketcham, R.A. (2022) The utility of X-ray computed tomography in astromaterials research and curation: A case study from Martian meteorites. Microscopy Microanalysis, 28 (Suppl. S1), 2678-2680.
Lois-Morales, P., Evans, C., and Weatherly, D. (2022) Methodology for quantitative rock characterization using multiple imaging systems and random particles generation. MethodsX, 9, 101792.
Pressley, L.A. (2022) Defects by design enhancing synthesis and characterization of quantum materials. Ph.D. dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University, Chemistry, 112p.
Pressley, L.A., Edey, D., Hanna, R., Chae, S., Heron, J.T., Khan, M.A., and McQueen, T.M. (2022) Informing quantum materials discovery and synthesis using X-ray micro-tomography. npj Quantum Materials, 7, 121.
Smith, S.M., and Angielczyk, K.D. (2022) A shrewd inspection of vertebral regionalization in large shrews (Soricidae: Crocidurinae). Integrative Organismal Biology, 4, obac006.
Yu, X., Qi, D., and Lu, S. (2022) Pore structure alteration in a reclaimed saline-sodic soil identified by multiscale X-ray tomography. Soil Science of America Journal, 86, 1015-1027.
Wilbur, Z.E., Barnes, J.J., Eckley, S.A. Covellone, M., Pomeroy, S.J., Crow, C.A., Boyce, J.W., Mosenfilder, J.L., and Zega, T.J. (2022) From source to surface: An investigation of magmatic lunar volatiles. 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
Zack, E.H., Smith, S.M., and Angielczyk, K. (2022) Effect of captivity on the vertebral bone microstructure of xenarthran mammals. The Anatomical Record, 305, 1611-1628.
2021 Top of Page
Cazenave, M., Oettlé, A., Pickering, T.R., Heaton, J.L., Nakatsukasa, M., Thackeray, J.F., Hoffman, J., and Macchiarelli, R. (2021) Trabecular organization of the proximal femur in Paranthropus robustus: Implications for the assessment of its hip joint loading conditions. Journal of Human Evolution, 153, 102964.
Chirchir, H. (2021) Trabecular bone in domestic dogs and wolves: implications for understanding human self‐domestication. The Anatomical Record, 304, 31-41.
Eckley, S.,Ketcham, R., and Herrero-Bervara, E. (2021) Coordinated 3D petrofabric analyses in basalt using AMS and X-ray CT. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, GP41A-09.
Hewens, R.H., Zanetta, P.-M., Zanda, B., Le Guillou, C., Gattacceca, J., Sognzoni, C. Pont, S., Piani, L., Rigaudier, T., Leroux, H., Brunetto, R., Maupin, R., Djouadi, Z., Bernard, S., Deldicque, D., Malarewicz, V., Dionnet, Z., Aléon-Toppani, A., King, A., and Borondics, F. (2021) NORTHWEST AFRICA (NWA) 12563 and ungrouped C2 chondrites: Alteration styles and relationships to asteroids. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, 311, 238-273.
Tommy, K.A., Zipfel, B., Kibii, J., and Carlson, K.J. (2021) Trabecular bone properties in the ilium of the Middle Paleolithic/Middle Stone Age Border Cave 3 Homo sapiens infant and the onset of independent gait. Journal of Human Evolution, 155, 102984.
Van de Werken, N., Koirala, P., Ghorbani, J., Doyle, D., and Tehrani, M. (2021) Investigating the hot isostatic pressing of an additively manufactured continuous carbon fiber reinforced PEEK composite. Additive Manufacturing, 101634.
2020 Top of Page
Cazenave, M., Radovčić, D., Hoffman, J., and Macchiarelli, R. (2020) The Neandertal (Krapina and Regourdou 1), fossil modern human (Chancelade 1) and extant human patella: an insight from inside. Paleo, 30, 76-91.
Dionnet, Z., Suttle, M.D., Longobardo, A., Rotundi, A., Folco, L., della Corte, V., and King, A. (2020) X‐ray computed tomography: morphological and porosity characterization of giant Antarctic micrometeorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 55, 13533.
Gong, L., Nie, L., and Xu, Y. (2020) Geometrical and topological analysis of pore space in sandstones based on X-ray computed tomography. Energies, 13, 3774.
Petri, B., Almzvist, B.S.G., and Pistone, M. (2020) 3D rock fabric analysis using microtomography: An introduction to the open-source TomoFab MATLAB code. Computers & Geosciences, 138, 104444.
Smith, S.M., and Angielczyk, K.D. (2020) Deciphering an extreme morphology: bone microarchitecture of the hero shrew backbone (Soricidae: Scutisorex). Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287, 20200457.
2019 Top of Page
Arbaret, L., Bystricky, M., and Launeau, P. (2019) Crystal clustering in magmas: Insights from HP–HT experiments. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 351, 574-585.
Bernard, R.E., Behr, W.M., Becker, T.W., and Young, D.J. (2019) Relationships between olivine CPO and deformation parameters in naturally deformed rocks and implications for mantle seismic anisotropy. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 3469-3494.
Bishop, P.J., Scofield, R.P., and Hocknull, S.A. (2019) The architecture of cancellous bone in the hindlimb of moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes), with implications for stance and gait. Alcheringa, 43, 612-628.
Cazenave, M., Oettlé, A., Thackeray, J.F., Nakatsukasa, M., de Beer, F., Hoffman, J., and Macchiarelli, R. (2019) The SKX 1084 hominin patella from Swartkrans Member 2, South Africa: an integrated analysis of its outer morphology and inner structure. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 18, 223-235.
Chirchir, H. (2019) What can trabecular bone tell us about activity levels and self‐domestication? The FASEB Journal, 33, S1.
Cosmi, F., and Maximova, N. (2019) Morphological and structural bone alterations in a rare disease. Materials Today: Proceedings, 12, 246-251.
Dionnet, Z., Suttle, M., Longobardo, A., Folco, L., Rotundi, A., Brunetto, R., della Corte, V., and King, A. (2019) X-CT morphological study of giant antarctic micrometeorites. EPSC Abstracts, 13, EPSC-DPS2019-117-1.
Lu, S., Yu, X., and Zong, Y. (2019) Nano-microscale porosity and pore size distribution in aggregates of paddy soil as affected by long-term mineral and organic fertilization under rice-wheat cropping system. Soil and Tillage Research, 186, 191-199.
Palmer, J.E., Ragni, A., and Chirchir, H. (2019) Effect of volume of interest placement and size in trabecular bone quantification. The FASEB Journal, 51, S1, Experimental Biology 2019 Meeting Abstracts, 452.4-452.4.
Russo, G.A. (2019) Trabecular bone structural variation in the proximal sacrum among primates. The Anatomical Record, 302, 1354-1371.
2018 Top of Page
Alanazi, N., and Kassem, E. (2018) Evaluation of the anisotropy of asphalt mixtures. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 144, 04018022.
Bishop, P.J., Hocknull, S.A., Clemente, C.J., Hutchinson, J.R., Farke, A.A., Beck, B.R., Barrett, R.S., and Lloyd, D.G. (2018) Cancellous bone and theropod dinosaur locomotion. Part I—an examination of cancellous bone architecture in the hindlimb bones of theropods. PeerJ, 6, e5778.
Cazenave, M. (2018) Multi-site characterisation of cortical bone distribution and cancellous network organisation in the Paranthropus robustus postcranial skeleton: taxonomic, functional and paleobiological implications. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, University of Toulouse, 279p.
Coiner-Collier, S., Vogel, E.R., and Scott, R.S. (2018) Trabecular anisotropy in the primate mandibular condyle is associated with dietary toughness. The Anatomical Record, 301, 1342-1359.
Palmer, J.E., and Chirchir, H. (2018) Trabecular bone morphology in hunter/gatherer and agricultural populations. The FASEB Journal, 21, S1.
Yu, X., Hong, C., Peng, G., and Lu, S. (2018) Response of pore structures to long‐term fertilization by a combination of synchrotron radiation X‐ray microcomputed tomography and a pore network model. European Journal of Soil Science, 69, 290-302.
2017 Top of Page
Arouca, A.M., Lucena, M.A.M., Rossiter, R.J., Talhavini, M., and Weber, I.T. (2017) Use of luminescent gunshot residues markers in forensic context− Part II. Forensic Science International, 281, 161-170.
Bishop, P.J., Clemente, C.J., Hocknull, S.A., Barrett, R.S., and Lloyd, D.G. (2017) The effects of cracks on the quantification of the cancellous bone fabric tensor in fossil and archaeological specimens: a simulation study. Journal of Anatomy, 230, 461-470.
Bubeck, A., Walker, R.J., Healy, D., Dobbs, M., and Holwell, D.A. (2017) Pore geometry as a control on rock strength. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, 38-48.
Du Plessis, A., Broeckhoven, C., Guelpa, A., and Le Roux, S.G. (2017) Laboratory X-ray micro-computed tomography: a user guideline for biological samples. GigaScience, 6, 1-11.
Kim, K., and Withey, P. (2017) Formation of an intermediate layer between grains in nickel-based superalloy turbine blades. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48, 2932-2942.
Kim, K., and Withey, P.A. (2017) Microstructural investigation of the formation and development of topologically close‐packed phases in a 3rd generation nickel‐base single crystal superalloy. Advanced Engineering Materials, 19, 1700041.
Lin, M. T., Wan, C. H., and Wu, W. (2017) Characterization and corrosion resistance of TiZr coating on SS304 stainless steel using cathodic arc evaporation techniques. Surface and Coatings Technology, 320, 217-225.
Macente, A., Fusseis, F., Menegon, L., Xiao, X., and John, T. (2017) The strain‐dependent spatial evolution of garnet in a high‐P ductile shear zone from the Western Gneiss Region (Norway): a synchrotron X‐ray microtomography study. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35, 565-583.
Su, A., and Carlson, K.J. (2017) Comparative analysis of trabecular bone structure and orientation in South African hominin tali. Journal of Human Evolution, 106, 1-18.
Tommy, K.A., Zipfel, B., Kibii, J., and Carlson, K.J. (2017) Trabecular bone properties in the ilium of the Middle Paleolithic/Middle Stone Age Border Cave 3 Homo sapiens infant and the onset of independent gait. Program of the 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, New Orleans.
Voltolini, M., Kwon, T.-H., and Ajo-Franklin, J. (2017) Visualization and prediction of supercritical CO2 distribution in sandstones during drainage: An in situ synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography study. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 66, 230-245.
2016 Top of Page
Alanazi, N.A. (2016) Evaluation of viscoelastic Poisson’s ratio and anisotropy of asphalt mixtures. Master’s Thesis, Civil Engineering, University of Idaho, 114p.
Chatzaras, V., Kruckenberg, S.C., Cohen, S.M., Medaris, L.G., Withers, A.C., and Bagley, B. (2016) Axial-type olivine crystallographic preferred orientations: the effect of strain geometry on mantle texture. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 4895-4922.
Chirchir, H., Zeininger, A., Nakatsukasa, M., Ketcham, R.A., and Richmond, B.G. (2016) Does trabecular bone structure within the metacarpal heads of primates vary with hand posture?. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 16, 533-544.
Galeazzi, R. (2016)Experimental characterization and modeling of the mechanical behaviour of particleboard. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 227 p.
Kim, K., and Withey, P. (2016) Detection of rhenium-rich particles at grain boundaries in nickel-base superalloy turbine blades. Materials Transactions, 57, 1698-1706.
Philippe, J., Le Godec, Y., Mezouar, M., Berg, M., Bromiley, G., Bergame, F., Perrillat, J.P., Alvarez-Murga, M., Morand, M., Atwood, R. and King, A., (2016) Rotating tomography Paris–Edinburgh cell: a novel portable press for micro-tomographic 4-D imaging at extreme pressure/temperature/stress conditions. High Pressure Research, 36, 512-532.
Pingel, J., Nielsen, M.S., Lauridsen, T. ,Rix, K., Bech, M., Alkjaer, T., Andersen, T., Nielsen, J.B., and Feidenhansl, R. (2016) Injection of high dose of botulinum-toxin A leads to impaired skeletal muscle function and damage of the fibrilar and non-fibrilar structures. Scientific Reports, 7, 14746.
Rowe, T.B., Luo, Z.X., Ketcham, R.A., Maisano, J.A., and Colbert, M.W. (2016) X-ray computed tomography datasets for forensic analysis of vertebrate fossils. Scientific Data, 3, 160040.
Russo, G.A. (2016) Comparative sacral morphology and the reconstructed tail lengths of five extinct primates: Proconsul heseloni, Epipliopithecus vindobonensis, Archaeolemur edwardsi, Megalapadis grandidieri, and Palaeopropithecus kelyus. Journal of Human Evolution, 90, 135-162.
Shanblatt, E.R., Porter, C.L., Gardner, D.F., Mancini, G.F., Karl Jr, R.M., Tanksalvala, M.D., Bevis, C.S., Vartanian, V.H., Kapteyn, H.C., Adams, D.E. and Murnane, M.M. (2016) Quantitative chemically specific coherent diffractive imaging of reactions at buried interfaces with few nanometer precision. Nano Letters, 16, 5444-5450.
Shapiro, D.F. (2016)Characterizing density and anisotropy in the trabecular architecture of the primate ilium and ischium. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Rutgers University, 325 p.
Srivastava, P.K., Chandel, C., Mahajan, P., and Pankaj, P. (2016) Prediction of anisotropic elastic properties of snow from its microstructure. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 125, 85-100.
Thissen, C.J. (2016) Deformation processes in orogenic wedges: New methods and application to northwestern Washington state. PhD dissertation, Yale University, 244p.
Zeininger, A., Patel, B.A., Zipfel, B., and Carlson, K.J. (2016) Trabecular architecture in the StW 352 fossil hominin calcaneus. Journal of Human Evolution, 97, 145-158.
2015 Top of Page
Acquaah, F., Brown, K.A.R., Ahmed, F., Jeffery, N., and Abel, R.L. (2015) Early trabecular development in human vertebrae: overproduction, constructive regression, and refinement. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 6, 67.
Bishop, P.J., Walmsley, C.W., Phillips, M.J., Quayle, M.R., Boisvert, C.A., and McHenry, C.R. (2015) Oldest pathology in a tetrapod bone illuminates the origin of terrestrial vertebrates. PloS ONE, 10, 5.
Coiner-Collier, S.F. (2015) Feeding ecology and the trabecular structure of the mandibular condyle in extant primates. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Rutgers University, 214 p.
Cosmi, F., and Ravalico, C. (2015) Threshold identification for micro-tomographic damage characterisation in a short-fibre-reinforced polymer. Strain, 51, 171-179.
Cosmi, F., Steimberg, N., and Mazzoleni, G. (2015) A mesoscale study of the degradation of bone structural properties in modeled microgravity conditions. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 44, 61-70.
Dyess, J.E., Hansen, V.L., and Goscinak, C. (2015) Constrains on vorticity and non-coaxial shear direction in Neoarchean L-S tectonites, an example from northern Minnesota, USA. Precambrian Research, 256, 189-200.
Fu, Y., Xie, H., Deng, B., Du, G., and Xiao, T. (2015) Synchrotron radiation phase-contrast computed tomography study on self-assembly of polystyrene colloidal crystals via solvent evaporation. Colloid Journal, 77, 795-801.
Heij, G., Elmore, D., Roberts, J., Steullet, A.K., Dulin, S., and Friedman, S. (2015) Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility: a petrofabric tool to measure the fabric of shales. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
Kim, K., Withey, P., and Griffiths, W.D. (2015) Detection of an intermediate layer containing a rhenium-rich particle at grain boundaries formed within single crystal nickel-based superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46, 1024-1029.
Matarazzo, S.A. (2015) Trabecular architecture of the manual elements reflects locomotor patterns in primates. PLoS ONE, 10, e0120436.
Raichlen, D.A., Gordon, A.D., Foster, A.D., Webber, J.T., Sukhdeo, S.M., Scott, R.S., Gosman, J.H., and Ryan, T.M. (2015) An ontogenetic framework linking locomotion and trabecular bone architecture with applications for reconstructing hominin life history. Journal of Human Evolution, 81, 1-12.
Ravalico, C., and Cosmi, F. (2015) Evaluation of fibre length distribution in a short glass fibre reinforced PA-6. Materiálové Inzinierstvo, 22, 140.
Schöpa, A., Floess, D., de Saint Blanquat, M., Annen, C., and Launeau, P. (2015) The relation between magnetite and silicate fabric in granitoids of the Adamello Batholith. Tectonophysics, 642, 1-15.
Thissen, C.J., and Brandon, M.T. (2015) An autocorrelation method for three-dimensional strain analysis. Journal of Structural Geology, 81, 135-154.
Tsuda, H., Mori, S., Halbig, M.C., Singh, M., and Asthana, R. (2015) Diffusion bonding and interfacial characterization of sintered fiber bonded silicon carbide ceramics using boron‐molybdenum interlayers. In Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Nanostructured and Multifunctional Materials: A Collection of Papers Presented at the 38th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites January 27-31, 2014 Daytona Beach, Florida, 73-80.
Tsuda, H., Mori, S., Halbig, M.C., Singh, M., and Asthana, R. (2015) Microstructural observation of interfaces in diffusion bonded silicon carbide ceramics by TEM. Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Nanostructured and Multifunctional Materials II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 36, 12.
Wolf, D., Rodriguez, L.A., Béché, A., Javon, E., Serrano, L., Magen, C., Gatel, C., Lubk, A., Lichte, H., Bals, S., and Van Tendeloo, G. (2015) 3D magnetic induction maps of nanoscale materials revealed by electron holographic tomography. Chemistry of Materials, 27, 6771-6778.
Yu, X.-L., Fu, Y.-N., Brookes, P.C., and Lu, S.-G. (2015) Insights into the formation process and environmental fingerprints of iron-manganese nodules in subtropical soils of China. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79, 1101-1114.
2014 Top of Page
Fu, Y., Xie, H., Deng, B., Du, G., Chen, R., and Xiao, T. (2014) Three-dimensional structure of polystyrene colloidal crystal by synchrotron radiation X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography. Materials Science & Processing, 115, 781-790.
Geer, S.R. (2014) Discrete element and homogenization based approaches for determining the mechanical properties of geomaterials. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 139p.
Kajbafvala, A., Nachtrab, W., Wong, T., and Schwartz, J. (2014) Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ x round wires with Ag/Al oxide dispersion strengthened sheaths: microstructure–properties relationships, enhanced mechanical behavior and reduced Cu depletion. Superconductor Science and Technology, 27, 095001.
Tsuda, H., Mori, S., Halbig, M.C., Singh, M., and Asthana, R. (2014) Transmission electron microscopy of interfaces in diffusion-bonded silicon carbide ceramics. Advances in Science and Technology, 88, 139-147.
2013 Top of Page
Barak, M.M., Lieberman, D.E., and Hublin, J.J. (2013) Of mice, rats and men: trabecular bone architecture in mammals scales to body mass with negative allometry. Journal of Structural Biology, 183, 123-131.
Bayati, M.R., Molaei, R., Budai, J.D., Narayan, R.J., and Narayan, J. (2013) Role of substrate crystallographic characteristics on structure and properties of rutile TiO2 epilayers. Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 044314.
Elmabrouk, B., and Berger, J.R. (2013) Boundary element analysis for effective stiffness tensors: effect of fabric tensor determination method. Computational Mechanics, 1-8.
Fajardo, R.J., Desilva, J.M., Manoharan, R.K., Schmitz, J.E., Maclatchy, L.M., & Bouxsein, M.L. (2013) Lumbar vertebral body bone microstructural scaling in small to medium‐sized strepsirhines. The Anatomical Record, 296, 210-226.
Gutzwiller, S.C., Su, A., and O’Connor, P.M. (2013) Postcranial pneumaticity and bone structure in two clades of neognath birds. The Anatomical Record, 296, 867-876.
Ketcham, R.A., and Koeberl, C. (2013) New textural evidence on the origin of carbonado diamond: an example of 3-D petrography using X-ray computed tomography. Geosphere, 9, 1336-1347.
Lin, M.T., Wan, C.H., and Wu, W. (2013) Comparison of corrosion behaviors between SS304 and Ti substrate coated with (Ti, Zr) N thin films as metal bipolar plate for unitized regenerative fuel cell. Thin Solid Films, 544, 162-169.
Matarazzo, S.A. (2013) Knuckle-walking signal in the manual phalanges and metacarpals of the great apes (Pan and Gorilla). PhD dissertation, Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 129p.
McLauchlin, A.R., Ghita, O., and Tubke, B. (2013) Detection of contaminants in poly(ethylene terephthalate)(PET) by near infrared spectroscopy. 16th International Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference, La Grande-Motte, France.
Ponzoni, P. (2013) Studio dell’orientamento delle fibre nelle linee di saldatura di una poliammide rinforzata con fibre corte di vetro. MS thesis, Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.
Sinclair, K.D., Farnsworth, R.W., Pham, T.X., Knight, A.N., Bloebaum, R.D., and Skedros, J.G. (2013) The artiodactyl calcaneus as a potential ‘control bone’ cautions against simple interpretations of trabecular bone adaptation in the anthropoid femoral neck. Journal of Human Evolution, 64, 366-379.
Su, A., Wallace, I.J., and Nakatsukasa, M. (2013) Trabecular bone anisotropy and orientation in an Early Pleistocene hominin talus from East Turkana, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution, 64, 667-677.
2012 Top of Page
Bernasconi, A., Cosmi, F., and Hine, P.J. (2012) Analysis of fibre orientation distribution in short fibre reinforced polymers: a comparison between optical and tomographic methods. Composites Science and Technology, 72, 2002-2008.
Dal Ferro, N., Delmas, P., Duwig, C., Simonetti, G., and Morari, F. (2012) Coupling X-ray microtomography and mercury intrusion porosimetry to quantify aggregate structures of a cambisol under different fertilisation treatments. Soil and Tillage Research, 119, 13-21.
Hébert, D., Lebrun, R., and Marivaux, L. (2012) Comparative three‐dimensional structure of the trabecular bone in the talus of primates and its relationship to ankle joint loads generated during locomotion. The Anatomical Record, 295, 2069-2088.
Niikura, K., Iyo, N., Higuchi, T., Nishio, T., Jinnai, H., Fujitani, N., and Ijiro, K. (2012) Gold nanoparticles coated with semi-fluorinated oligo (ethylene glycol) produce sub-100 nm nanoparticle vesicles without templates. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134, 7632-7635.
Skedros, J.G., Knight, A.N., Farnsworth, R.W., and Bloebaum, R.D. (2012) Do regional modifications in tissue mineral content and microscopic mineralization heterogeneity adapt trabecular bone tracts for habitual bending? Analysis in the context of trabecular architecture of deer calcanei. Journal of Anatomy, 220, 242-255.
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2011 Top of Page
Bernasconi, A., and Cosmi, F. (2011) Analysis of the dependence of the tensile behavior of a short fibre reinforced polyamide upon fibre volume fraction, length and orientation. Procedia Engineering, 10, 2129-2134.
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2010 Top of Page
Bernasconi, A., Cosmi, F., and Zappa, E. (2010) Combined effect of notches and fibre orientation on fatigue behavior of short fiber reinforced polyamide. Strain, 46, 435-445.
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2009 Top of Page
Bernasconi, A., and Cosmi, F. (2009) Fibre orientation at notches and fatigue behaviour of short fibre reinforced polyamide. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, UK.
Cosmi, F. (2009) Morphology-based prediction of elastic properties of trabecular bone samples. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 11, 3-9.
Cosmi, F., Steimberg, N., Dreossi, D., and Mazzoleni, G. (2009) Structural analysis of rat bone explants kept in vitro in simulated microgravity conditions. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2, 164-172.
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Ryan, T.M., Colbert, M., Ketcham, R.A., and Vinyard, C.J. (2009) Trabecular bone structure in the mandibular condyles of gouging and nongouging platyrrhine primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 141, 583-593.
2008 Top of Page
Bernasconi, A., and Cosmi, F. (2008) Analisi sperimentale dell’anisotropia in prossimità di intagli in materie plastiche rinforzate con fibre corte. XXXVII Convegno Nazionale, Università di Roma, Italy, 10 p.
Bernasconi, A., Cosmi, F., and Dreossi, D. (2008) Analisi dell’anisotropia microstrutturale in materiali compositi rinforzati con fibre corte. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 3, 18-29.
Griffin, N.L. (2008) Bone architecture of the hominin second proximal pedal phalanx: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Human Evolution, 54, 162-168.
Hill, C.A. (2008) Evolutionary and developmental history of temporal bone pneumatization in hominids. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University, 194p.
Hill, C.A., and Richtsmeier, J.T. (2008) A quantitative method for the evaluation of three-dimensional structure of temporal bone pneumatization. Journal of Human Evolution, 55, 682-690.
2007 Top of Page
Bernasconi, A., Broznic, M., Cosmi, F., Dreossi, D., and Tromba, G. (2007) Resistenza e anisotropia in compositi rinforzati con fibre corte: analisi mediante tomografia con luce di sincrotrone. Atti del Congresso IGF 19, Milan, Italy, 8 p.
Parsons, T., Ryan, T.M., Reeves, R.H., & Richtsmeier, J.T. (2007) Microstructure of trabecular bone in a mouse model for Down syndrome. The Anatomical Record, 290, 414-421.
2006 Top of Page
Maga, M., Kappelman, J., Ryan, T.M., and Ketcham, R.A. (2006) Preliminary observations on the calcaneal trabecular microarchitecture of extant large-bodied hominoids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 129, 410-417.
Ryan, T.M., and Krovitz, G.E. (2006) Trabecular bone ontogeny in the human proximal femur. Journal of Human Evolution, 51, 591-602.
Ryan, T.M., and Milner, G.R. (2006) Osteological applications of high-resolution computed tomography: a prehistoric arrow injury. Journal of Archaeological Science, 33, 871-879.
2005 Top of Page
Ketcham, R.A. (2005) Three-dimensional grain fabric measurements using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 1217-1228.
Ryan, T.M., and Ketcham, R.A. (2005) Angular orientation of trabecular bone in the femoral head and its relationship to hip joint loads in leaping primates. Journal of Morphology, 265, 249-263.
2004 Top of Page
Ketcham, R.A., and Ryan, T. (2004) Quantification and visualization of anisotropy in trabecular bone. Journal of Microscopy, 213, 158-171.
Soto-Gomez, D. (preprint) X-ray computed tomography (Ct) applied to soil science: a review of the thresholding problem. SSRN.