Dissertations and Theses

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2023    2022     2021     2020    2019     2018     2017     2016     2015    2014     2013     2012    2011     2010     2009     2008   2007     2006     2005     2004     2003     2002     2001     2000     1999     1998

2024 Top of Page

Alexander, A.M. (2024) Consequences of impact-induced deformation and fracture: from metal asteroids to the early Earth. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, 173p. 
Findlay, R. (2024) Deciphering the complex alteration recorded in primitive asteroids. PhD dissertation, Physical Sciences, The Open University, 369p.
McCartney, K.N. (2024) Elucidating the role of titanomagnetite in the vesiculation of silicic magmas from observations of natural and experimental samples. PhD dissertation, Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, 215p.
Neuman, M.D. (2024) Elemental and isotopic studies on Lunar Apollo samples and high-temperature evaporation experiments. PhD dissertation, Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, 199p.
Santos, D.M.D. (2024) Osteologia e análise morfométrica de espécimes adultos e juvenis de Baurusuchidae (Notosuchia, Mesoeucrocodylia) da Formação Adamantina, Grupo Bauru, Cretáceo Superior. PhD dissertation, Zoology, Universidade De Brasília, 225p.
Wu, Qi. (2024) A programmable streaming framework for extreme-scale scientific visualizations. PhD dissertation, Computer Science, University of California, Davis, 184p.

2023 Top of Page

Abel, P. (2023) The temporal region of the tetrapod skull – research history, evolution, and functional backgrounds. PhD dissertation, Naturwissenschaften, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 214p.
Akash, M.M.H. (2023) Modeling of transport in anatomic respiratory airways: applications in targeted drug delivery and airborne pathogenic transmissions. MS thesis, Mechanical Engineering, South Dakota State University, 110p.
Bazzana-Adams, K.D. (2023) Neuroanatomy of early amniotes and the evolution of mammalian audition. PhD dissertation, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, 280p.
Gawronska, A.J. (2023) Investigating extraterrestrial magmatic processes: new insights from the physical and chemical characteristics of Apollo basalts. PhD dissertation, Geology and Environmental Earth Science, Miami University, 314p.
Luo, Y. (2023) Biomechanics simplifies whisker-based tactile sensing and motor control. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 254p.
Moyer, S.J. (2023) Use of Pele’s tears and spheres as an indicator of lava fountain height in Hawaiian volcanoes. MS thesis, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, 73p.
Noble, R. (2023) Ecological factors and jaw morphology in Lepidosauria: a geometric morphometric and biomechanical approach. MS thesis, Biology, Harvard University, 53p.
Soni, A. (2023) Neurosensory evolution in thalattosuchians during their land to sea transition. MS thesis, Geosciences, The University of Edinburgh, 73p.
Sabaj, M.M. (2023) Barium and sulfur isotope exchange between barite and 137Ba and 32S enriched solutions at barite solubility equilibrium. MS thesis, Earth and Atmospheric Science, Indiana University, 134p.

2022 Top of Page

Allen, R.C. (2022) An Upper Cretaceous juvenile crocodylian in an enigmatic phosphatic concretion studied through X-ray and neutron computed tomography. MS thesis, Museum and Field Studies, University of Colorado, 90p.
Baker, S.A. (2022) The quantitative analysis of coronal suture separation due to cranial trauma. MS thesis, Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 88p.
Barrett, P.Z. (2022) The evolutionary history of the Feliformia: contingency, constraint, disparity. PhD dissertation, Earth Sciences, University of Oregon, 344p.
Croghan, J.A. (2022) Assessment of cranial morphology and function underlying dietary diversity in cryptodires. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 336p.
De Santi, N.A. (2022).Anatomy, fossil record and evolutionary pattern of South American subterranean rodents of the genus Ctenomys (Rodentia, Octodontoidea). PhD dissertation, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum, National University of La Plata, 349 p.
Eckley, S.A. (2022) Magmatic thermal histories and emplacement mechanisms of Martian shergottite meteorites. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 212p.
Farnkopf, I.C. (2022) The olfactory anatomy and upper respiratory tracts of whales, dolphins, and their terrestrial relatives: perspectives from morphology, histology, embryology, and evolutionary biology. PhD dissertation, Biomedical Sciences, Kent State University, 160p.
Flores, M.D. (2022) Identification of Pleistocene fauna from McFaddin Beach, Texas. MS thesis, Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 267p
Gackstatter, E.J. (2022) Classification and petrogenesis of new Martian meteorite, NWA 14904. MS Thesis, Geological Sciences, Texas Christian University, 194p.
Gutherz, S.B. (2022) Bird balloon bones: The evolution of postcranial skeletal pneumaticity in birds and its relationship with skeletal form and function. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 203p.
Hanson, M. (2022) The origin of the modern bird skull, with a focus on the evolution and embryonic development of musculoskeletal structures in the temporal and otic regions. PhD dissertation, Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 524p.
Hulsey, C. (2022) Petrographic and geochemical analysis of new lunar meteorite NWA 11788: insights into lunar crustal diversity and implications for the Lunar Magma Ocean model. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, California State University Bakersfield, 147p.
Li, J. (2022) Deep learning approaches for exploring collections of visual features of scalar fields. PhD dissertation, Computer Science, University of Arizona, 103p.
Koester, B.E. (2022) Assessing the impact of ocean acidification: a methods comparison of SEM, CT and light microscopy on pteropod shells. MS thesis, Environmental Science, Drexel University, 76p.
McCall, N. (2022) Geophysical insights into the crater subsurface at the Chicxulub and Ries impact craters. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 225p.
Meza, A. (2022) Variation in the cranial osteology in the genus Zygaspis. MS thesis, Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 163p.
Miyamae, J.A. (2022) Mammalian facial muscles: their evolution, function, diversity, & study through comparative methods. PhD dissertation, Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 280p.
Olroyd, S.L. (2022) The function of the reflected lamina in therapsids and the origin of the mammalian middle ear. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of Washington, 150p.
Pressley, L.A. (2022) Defects by design: enhancing synthesis and characterization of quantum materials. PhD dissertation, Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, 112p.
Talukdar, M. (2022) Bulk time-dependent properties of fault damage zones. PhD dissertation, Geological Engineering, University of Winsconsin-Madison, 204p.
Werner, K. (2022) Towards distributed task-based visualization and data analysis. PhD dissertation, Computer Science, Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern, 109p.

2021 Top of Page

Capshaw, G. (2021) Extratympanic hearing in salamanders: a comparative assessment of structural variation and terrestrial function of an atympanic ear. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of Maryland, 219p.
García, S.L. (2021) Morfología neurocraneana del Teiidae (Squamata/Lacertilia) Callopistes cf. rionegrensis de la Formación Chichinales (Mioceno temprano), Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, 72p.
Maher, A.E. (2021) The evolution of body shape, locomotion and ecology in tetrapods. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of Liverpool, 364p.
Mourey, A.J.J. (2021) Olivine in four dimensions: a textural and chemical record of magmatic phenomena underneath Kilauea Volcano (Hawai’i). PhD dissertation, Geology and Geophysics, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, 320p.
Oliveira da Silva, F. (2021) On the origin of snakes based on geometric morphometrics: morphology, paleontology, phylogeny, ecology, and development. PhD dissertation, Wildlife Biology, University of Helsinki, 131p.
Rajkumar, A. (2021) First records of a cribriform plate in non-avian Dinosauria, with implications for olfactory evolution and ecology. MS thesis, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, 82p.
Sassaman, D.M. (2021) Indirect selective laser sintering of ceramics. PhD dissertation, Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 151p.
Sekhon, N. (2021) A monitoring and 20th century stalagmite study from a shallow cave in New Mexico: elucidating climate controls on geochemical variability with insight into stalagmite suitability for paleoclimate reconstructions. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 189p.
Trafton, K.R. (2021) Pyroclasts: a window into the volcanic conduit. PhD dissertation, Earth Sciences, University of Oregon, 144p.

2020 Top of Page

Adams, G.R. (2020) Description of Calligenethlon watsoni based on computed tomography and resulting implications for the phylogenetic placement of embolomeres. MS thesis, Earth Sciences, Carleton University, 155p.
Burke, J.E. (2020) Physiological and ecological implications of planktonic foraminiferal test morphology. PhD dissertation, Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 311p.
Gaetano, T.M. (2020) Ontogenetic and adult shape variation in the endocast of Tapirus: implications for T. polkensis from the Gray Fossil Site. MS thesis, Geosciences, East Tennessee State University, 66p.
Hartman, S. (2020) Macroevolution, thermal ecology and extinction in terrestrial Mesozoic tetrapods. PhD dissertation, Geosciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 364p.
Lagorio, A.D. (2020) Amphibian vocalization: implications of a novel laryngeal muscle in the calling mechanisms of the túngara frog (Engystomops pustulosus). MS thesis, Biological Sciences, University of the Pacific, 57p.
Marx, M.P. (2020) A new specimen of Cardiocorax mukulu with a nearly complete cranium from Angola. MS thesis, Paleontology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 192p.
Morris, Z. (2020) Developmental and evolutionary origins of the crocodylian snout and amniote face. PhD dissertation, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 236p.
Peterson, J.L. (2020) Visualizing cochlear specializations that enhance protection of hearing function in bats. MA thesis, Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, 85p.
Stepanova, N. (2020) Comparative skull morphology of southern African burrowing skinks (Squamata; Scincidae). MS thesis, Biology, Villanova University, 242p.
West, B.N. (2020) Campanian-Maastrictian ankylosaurs of West Texas. MS thesis, Geology, Texas Christian University, 79p.
Withnell, C.B. (2020) A new perspective on the systematics and paleobiogeography of arvicoline rodents and the first radiometric age of the fauna from Cumberland Bone Cave, Maryland. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 266p.

2019 Top of Page

Augusta, B.G. (2019) Anatomy, taxonomy, ontogeny and phylogeny of basal mosasaurians (Squamata, Mosasauria) and their implications to the evolution of Anguimorpha. PhD dissertation, Biosciences, Universidade de São Paulo, 315p.
Bradley, D. (2019) Complex garnet zoning from lawsonite eclogite from south of the Motagua Suture Zone, Guatemala. PhD dissertation, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, 169p.
Dudgeon, T.W. (2019) The internal cranial anatomy of Champsosaurus lindoei and its functional implications. MS thesis, Earth Sciences, Carleton University, 256p.
Early, C.M. (2019) Quantitative assessments of avian endocasts as tools for inferring neuroanatomical traits and potential functional capabilities. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 226p.
Ferreira, G.S. (2019) Patterns of morphological evolution in the skull of turtles: contributions from digital paleontology, neuroanatomy and biomechanics. PhD dissertation, Biosciences, Universidade de São Paulo, 190p.
Hajj, R.M (2019) Origins and evolution of instabilities in asphalt binder. PhD dissertation, Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 136p.
Harper, A.M. (2019) Craniodental adaptation and homoplasy in early mammals. PhD dissertation, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, 401p.
Jung, J.-Y. 
(2019) Learning from nature: an investigation of an impact-resistant system on the woodpecker head as a non-traumatic brain injury animal model. PhD dissertation, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego, 143p.
Lanzetti, A. (2019) Skull growth and prenatal development in baleen whales: teeth to baleen transition in ontogeny and phylogeny. PhD dissertation, Evolutionary Biology, San Diego State University, 415p.
Parandoush, P. (2019) Additive manufacturing of high-strength continuous fiber reinforced polymer composites. PhD dissertation, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Kansas State University, 141p.
Peredo, C.M. (2019) From teeth to baleen: morphological adaptations associated with the loss of teeth and the evolution of baleen in mysticete cetaceans. PhD dissertation, Environmental Science and Public Policy, George Mason University, 203p.

2018 Top of Page

Bernard, R.E. (2018) Rheology and fabric in the continental lithospheric mantle from naturally deformed peridotites. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 198p.
Costa, J.A. 
(2018) An investigation into the killing bite of Homotherium serum. PhD dissertation, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Buffalo, 123p.
Eckley, S.A.
(2018) 3D textural and geochemical analyses on carbonado diamond: insights from pores and the minerals within them. MS Thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 77p.
Elenes, E.Y. (2018) An arborizing, multiport catheter for maximizing drug distribution in the brain via convection enhanced delivery. PhD dissertation, Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 123p.
English, L.T. (2018) Evolution of functional morphology of osteoderms across Crocodylomorpha. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 67p.
Guiltinan, E.J. (2018) Multiphase flow properties of sealing caprocks for CO2 storage. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 92p.
Hoffman, E.A. (2018) Large clutch of Jurassic mammaliamorph perinates and evolution of mammalian reproduction and growth. MS Thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 63p.
Holloway, W.L. (2018) Comparative cranial ecomorphology and functional morphology of semiaquatic faunivorous crurotarsans. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 271p.
Lemberg, J.B. (2018) Feeding mechanics of Tiktaalik roseae: convergent morphology and reconstructed cranial kinematics of a tetrapodomorph fish and modern alligator gars. PhD dissertation, Integrative Biology, The University of Chicago, 216p.
McLaughlin, W.N.F. (2018) Landscape and biotic evolution of the Kochkor Basin, Kyrgyzstan. PhD dissertation, Earth Sciences, University of Oregon, 231p.
Mitchell, S.
(2018) Variation in the microprofiles of machete cutmarks: an application of micro-computed tomography. MA Thesis, Anthropology, Texas Tech University, 306p.
Mitchell, S.J. (2018) Deep submarine silicic volcanism: conduit and eruptive dynamics of the 2012 Havre eruption. PhD dissertation, Geology and Geophysics, University of Hawai’i, 270p.
Moore, A.J. (2018) The systematics and evolution of Middle-Late Jurassic sauropod dinosaurs from China, and macroevolutionary trends in saurischian vertebral regionalization, shape, and pneumaticity. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, George Washington University, 538p.
Reynaga, C.M. (2018) Functional implications for novel gaits and substrates in anurans. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, University of California Irvine, 123p.
Salas, A.K. (2018) Predicting the influence of source and receiver variation in the use of acoustic cues by larval fishes. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 160p.
Santos, F.J.M. (2018) A revision of the small snakes of the family Anomalepididae (Reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes), using high resolution computerized tomography. PhD dissertation, Zoology, Pontifíca Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 163p.
Silva, S.D.G.T.M. (2018) Morphological convergence across limb-reduced lizards from three continents: Australia, Asia and Africa. MS Thesis, Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, 53p.
Vinuesa, V. (2018) Bone-cracking hyenas (Carnivora, Hyaenidae) from the European Neogene and Quaternary: taxonomy, paleobiology and evolution. PhD dissertation, Geology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 277p.
Wallace, R.V.S. (2018) A new close mammal relative and the origin and evolution of the mammalian central nervous system. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 224p.

2017 Top of Page

Arnaudo, M.E. (2017) Análisis morfológico de la región auditiva de los Ursidae Tremarctinae, su aplicación en sistemática filogenética y paleobiología. PhD dissertation, Natural Sciences, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP, 313 p.
Bird, D.J. (2017) The cribriform plate: evolution of mammalian olfaction written in bone. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of California Los Angeles, 113 p.
Evans, K.M. (2017) Evolution of craniofacial diversity in neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes: Teleostei). PhD dissertation, Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 253 p.
Goldstein, E.H. (2017) Novel (U-Th)/He thermochronometric constraints on serpentinized ultramafic rocks. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 149 p.
Khungurn, P. (2017) Modeling and rendering appearance of hair and textile fibers. PhD dissertation, Computer Science, Cornell University, 259 p.
MacDougall, M.J. (2017) Palaeoecology and taphonomy of the Early Permian cave system near Richards Spur, Oklahoma, and its parareptilian fauna. PhD dissertation, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, 227 p.
Modlin, J.D. (2017) Geometric morphometric analysis highlights feeding apparatus specialization and sexual dimorphism in crotaphytid lizards. MS Thesis, Biological Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, 69 p.
Pang, B.
 A study of respiratory turbinal morphology in response to evolutionary pressure and development. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of California Los Angeles, 67 p.
Parsons, K.T. (2017) Age, growth and reproduction of Western North Atlantic butterfly rays (Myliobatiformes: Gymnuridae), with the description of two new species. PhD dissertation, Marine Science, College of William and Mary, 215 p.
Tremblay, M.M. (2017) Reconstructing past Earth and planetary surface temperatures with cosmogenic noble gases. PhD dissertation, Earth and Planetary Science, University of California Berkeley, 124 p.
Wright, K.A. (2017) Correlating Cu-Fe sulfides and Au mineralization in the Ertsberg-Grasberg District of Papua, Indonesia using volumetric analysis and trace element geochemistry. MS Thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 273 p.
Wu, W. (2017) Unpropped fractures in shale: surface topography, mechanical properties and hydraulic conductivity. PhD dissertation, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 253 p.

2016 Top of Page

Criswell, K.E. (2016) Evolution and development of the vertebral column in jawed vertebrates. PhD dissertation, Organismal Biology and Anatomy, The University of Chicago, 323 p.
Hanna, R.D. (2016) CM Murchison: nebular formation of fine-grained chondrule rims followed by impact processing on the CM parent body. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 240 p.
Hildebrandt, J. (2016) 3-D fracture tracing for X-ray computed tomography data. MS Thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 74 p.
Hoffmann, S. (2016) Late Cretaceous mammals from Madagascar and their implications for the systematics of Mesozoic mammaliaformes. PhD dissertation, Anatomical Sciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 548 p.
Melstrom, K.M. (2016) Quantifying saurian tooth complexity: implications for reconstructing the diet of extinct amniotes. MS Thesis, Geology and Geophysics, The University of Utah, 133 p.
Paluh, D.J. (2016) Comparative morphology of the quadrate bone within the Gekkota: phylogenetic and functional implications. MS Thesis, Biology, Villanova University, 135 p.
Pearson, M.
(2016) Phylogeny and systematic history of early salamanders. PhD dissertation, Palaeobiology, University College London, 195 p.
Shapiro, D.F. (2016) Characterizing density and anisotropy in the trabecular architecture of the primate ilium and ischium. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Rutgers University, 325 p.
Tansey, J.F. (2016) Multiscale pore network modeling of carbonate acidization. PhD dissertation, Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 200 p.
Tyrrell, J.P. (2016) Conodont (U-Th)/He thermochronology of the Mormon Mountains, Tule Spring Hills, and Beaver Dam Mountains, southeastern Nevada and southwestern Utah. MS Thesis, Geology, University of Kansas, 171 p.
Wiersma, J.P. (2016) The evolution and biogeography of ankylosaurid dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of western North America. MS Thesis, Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, 434 p.

2015 Top of Page

Brown, D.M. (2015) Distinguishing muddy turbidites and wave-influenced muddy turbidites from hemipelagic deposits using grain fabric: an experimental approach. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 48 p.
Bourke, J.M. (2015) Implications of airflow dynamics and soft-tissue reconstructions for the heat exchange potential of dinosaur nasal passages. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 439 p.
Coiner-Collier, S.F.
(2015) Feeding ecology and the trabecular structure of the mandibular condyle in extant primates. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Rutgers University, 214 p.
Dooley, J.C. (2015) Anatomical connections of parietal cortex and visual acuity in Monodelphis domestica: insights into the brain organization of the mammalian ancestor. PhD dissertation, Neuroscience, University of California at Davis, 194 p.
Garrett, E.C.
Was there a sensory trade-off in primate evolution? The vomeronasal groove as a means of understanding the vomeronasal system in the fossil record. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, City University of New York, 264 p.
Goodfellow, S.D.
Quantitative analysis of acoustic emission from rock fracture experiments. PhD dissertation, Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, 336 p.
Johnson, A.
(2015) Investigations of porous media using nuclear magnetic resonance secular relaxation measurements and micro-CT image analysis. MS thesis, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 92p.
Li, Z. (2015) Evolution of the hyoid apparatus in Archosauria: implications for the origin of avian tongue function. PhD. dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 205p..
Namkoong, B. (2015) The molecular determinants of cranial skeletal development and evolution. PhD dissertation, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, 141p.
Tokan-Lawal, A.O.
(2015) Understanding fluid flow in rough-walled fractures using x-ray microtomography images. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 226p.
Wang, L. (2015) Flow and transport through and deformation of rough fractures: theoretical and numerical modeling studies. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 201p.
Wasserman, D.S.
(2015) Examining morphological variation of the hyoid apparatus in varanid lizards. MS thesis, Biology, Southeastern Louisiana University, 130 p.

2014 Top of Page

Atkins, J. (2014) The sclerotic ring: evolutionary trends in squamates. MS thesis, Biology, Saint Mary’s University, 118 p.
Basden, M.A. (2014) Characterization of structured packing via computational fluid dynamics. PhD dissertation, Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 277 p.
Befus, K.S. (2014) Storage, ascent, and emplacement of rhyolite lavas. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 254 p.
Bhullar, B-A.S. (2014) The evolution and development of the archosaurian head and the origin of the bird skull. PhD dissertation, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 145 p.
Clemens, M. (2014) 22 million year-old frogs from the Miocene of Mush, Ethiopia. MS thesis, Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University, 68 p.
Cronin, M.B. (2014) Core-scale heterogeneity and dual-permeability pore structure in the Barnett Shale. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 168 p.
Curtis, A.A. (2014) A three-dimensional quantitative investigation of frontal sinus morphology and function in mammalian carnivores. PhD dissertation, Biology, The University of California at Los Angeles, 127 p.
Dussenova, D. (2014) Quantifying phase configuration inside an intact core based on wettability using X-ray computed tomography. MS thesis, Petroleum Engineering, Louisiana State University, 83 p.
Fox, N.S. (2014) Analysis of Snake Creek burial cave Mustela fossils using linear and landmark-based morphometrics: implications for weasel classification and black-footed ferret conservation. MS thesis, Geosciences, East Tennessee State University, 162 p.
Helms, S.M. (2014) Inlay vs. onlay: a comparison of two glenoid systems in total shoulder arthroplasty. MS thesis, Bioengineering, Clemson University, 95 p.
Latimer, A.E. (2014) Redescription of teeth and epithelial plates from the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): morphological and evolutionary implications. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 83 p.
Moldowan, P.D. (2014) Sexual dimorphism and alternative reproductive tactics in the midland painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata). MS thesis, Biology, Laurentian University, 241 p.
Moore, S.J. (2014) Crystallization of metamorphic garnet: nucleation mechanisms and yttrium and rare-earth-element uptake. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 183 p.
Racicot, R.A. (2014) What goes on inside the heads of porpoises? Investigations of porpoise (Cetacea: Phocoenidae) skull anatomy using CT data. PhD dissertation, Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 245 p.
Titus-McQuillan, J.E. (2014) Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses of Palearctic naked-toed geckos and Prosymna snakes. MS thesis, Biology, Villanova University, 107 p.
Willis, K.L. (2014) Anatomical and physiological characterization of the turtle brain stem auditory circuit. PhD dissertation, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, University of Maryland, 132 p.
Yi, H. (2014) Evolution of function-related traits in squamates (Reptilia: Squamata): morphometric and phylogenetic analytical approaches. PhD dissertation, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, 292 p.
Zhao, S. (2014) Modeling and rendering fabrics at micron-resolution. PhD dissertation, Computer Science, Cornell University, 197 p.

2013 Top of Page

Akintunde, O.M. (2013) Subsurface imaging and petrophysical analysis of the South Georgia Rift Basin, South Carolina. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, University of South Carolina, 145 p.
Burroughs, R.W. (2013) Fossils, phylogeny, and anatomical regions: insights exemplified through turtles. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 301 p.
Chan, A. (2013) Osteoscope: an exploratory Master’s research project on incorporating CT-based 3D models into an interactive application. MS thesis, Biomedical Communications, University of Toronto Missisauga, 50 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Python_molurus/
Chaudhary, K. (2013) Pore-scale controls of fluid flow laws and the capillary trapping of CO2. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 126 p.
Gutierrez, A. (2013) The impact of liquefaction on the microstructure of cohesionless soils. PhD dissertation, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University, 87 p.
Heers, A.M. (2013) Locomotor ontogeny and the evolution of avian flight. PhD dissertation, Organismal Biology and Ecology, University of Montana, 215 p.
Julien, B. (2013) Evolution des caractères crâniens et endocrâniens chez les Afrotheria (Mammalia) et phylogénie du groupe. PhD dissertation, Paleontology, Université de Montpellier II, 468 p.
Marsh, A.D. (2013) Osteology of Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis and geochemical observations of the dinosaurs from the type quarry of Sarahsaurus (Kayenta Formation), Coconino County, Arizona. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 333 p.
Maxime, E. (2013) Phylogenetic and revisionary taxonomic studies of the banded knifefishes Gymnotus (Teleostei, Ostariophysi, Gymnotiformes) with descriptions of fourteen new species. PhD dissertation, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 488 p.
Meyer, M.B. (2013) Contributions to Late Ediacaran geobiology in South China and southern Namibia. PhD dissertation, Geosciences, Virginia Tech, 169 p.
Morris, Z.S. (2013) Skeletal ontogeny of Monodelphis domestica (Mammalia: Didelphidae): quantifying variation, variability, and technique bias in ossification sequence reconstruction. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 204 p.
Russo, G.A. (2013) Functional morphology of mammalian sacra and caudal vertebrae: implications for tail loss and positional behaviors in extinct primates. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin, 378 p.
Simon, R.V. (2013) Cranial osteology of the long-beaked echidna, and the definition, diagnosis, and origin of Monotremata and its major subclades. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 348 p.
Stocker, M.R. (2013) Contextualizing vertebrate faunal dynamics: new perspectives from the Triassic and Eocene of Western North America. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 297 p.
Voirin, J. (2013) Ecology and neurophysiology of sleep in wild sloths. PhD dissertation, Biology, Universität Konstanz.
Zeininger, A.D. (2013) Ontogeny of bipedalism: pedal mechanics and trabecular bone morphology. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin, 335 p.

2012 Top of Page

Copes, L. (2012) Comparative and experimental investigations of cranial robusticity in mid-Pleistocene hominins. PhD dissertation, Arizona State University, 654 p.
Daniel, J.C. (2012) Heads and skulls as sediment sorters: an actualistic, CT-based study in taphonomy . PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 350 p.
deVries, M.S. (2012) The feeding morphology and ecology of stomatopod crustaceans. PhD dissertation, Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley, 101 p.
Diaz, R.E. Jr. (2012) Chameleons: a new model organism for understanding the evolution and development of morphological novelties. PhD dissertation, Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas, 547 p.
Hughes, J.L. (2012) The nuances of locomotor strategies in suspensory primates (Apes): locomotor costs in terms of skeletal injury. MA thesis, Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, 84 p.
McGee, A.R. (2012) A fossilized turtle egg clutch with embryos from the Upper Cretaceous Oldman Formation, southeastern Alberta: description, taxonomic identity, and embryonic staging. MS thesis, Geoscience, University of Calgary, 127 p.
Milliron, G.W. (2012) Lightweight impact-resistant composite materials: lessons from mantis shrimp. PhD dissertation, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California Riverside, 129 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Odontodactylus_scyllarus/whole/
Noon, C.J. (2012) A volume rendering engine for desktops, laptops, mobile devices and immersive virtual reality systems using gpu-based volume raycasting. PhD dissertation, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, 170 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Chamaeleo_calyptratus/whole/
Rakthanmanon, T. (2012) Efficient algorithms for high dimensional data mining. PhD dissertation, Computer Science, University of California Riverside, 166 p.
Stacy, S.J. (2012) Evidence for high-temporal-resolution strain rates for strain softening due to episodic fluid influx at Passo de Sole, Central Swiss Alps. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 178 p.
Tikhonova, A. (2012) Deferred visualization and interaction with explorable images. PhD dissertation, Computer Science, University of California Davis, 160 p.
Turk, J.K. (2012) Vesicular horizon distribution, properties, and pedogenic processes in deserts of the western United States. PhD dissertation, Soil and Water Sciences, University of California Riverside, 196 p.

2011 Top of Page

Adams, T.L. (2011) Crocodyliform systematics and diversity, with the description of new taxa from the Cretaceous of Texas. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, Southern Methodist University.
Balanoff, A. (2011) Oviraptorosauria: morphology, phylogeny, and endocranial evolution. PhD dissertation, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, 522 p.
Boucher, E.M. (2011) Digital paleoart: reconstruction and restoration from laser-scanned fossils. MS thesis, Drexel University, 228 p.
Chalk, J. (2011) The effects of feeding strategies and food mechanics on the ontogeny of masticatory function in the Cebus libidinosus cranium. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, George Washington University, 204 p.
Chamoli, U. (2011) Biomechanics of felid skulls: a comparative study using finite element approach. MPhil thesis, Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, 144 p.
Criswell, K.E. (2011) The comparative osteology and phylogenetic relationships of lepidosirenid lungfishes. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 271 p.
Czupak, Z.D. (2011) Stabilization and imaging of cohesionless soil specimens. MS thesis, Civil Engineering, Arizona State University, 227 p.
Davis, B.M. (2011) The evolution of early tribosphenic mammals. PhD dissertation, Zoology, University of Oklahoma, 242 p.
Dufeau, D.L. (2011) The evolution of cranial pneumaticity in Archosauria: patterns of paratympanic sinus development. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 174 p.
Gold, M.E.L. (2011) Cranial osteology and braincase morphometrics of Gavialis gangeticus: implications for crocodylian phylogenetics. MS thesis, Geoscience, University of Iowa, 90 p.
Kelly, E.D. (2011) Unrecognized complexities of metamorphism: crystallization kinetics, reaction affinity, and geochronology. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 369 p.
Maddin, H.C. (2011) Phylogenetic implications of the morphology and development of the braincase of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona). PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, 575 p.
Olori, J.C. (2011) The evolution of skeletal development in early tetrapods: anatomy and ontogeny of microsaurs (Lepospondyli). PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 518 p.
Rodgers, J.C. (2011) Comparative morphology of the vestibular semicircular canals in therian mammals. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 312 p.
Schott, R.K. (2011) Ontogeny, diversity, and systematics of pachycephalosaur dinosaurs from the Belly River Group of Alberta. MS thesis, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, 173 p.
Smith, N.A. (2011) Systematics and evolution of extinct and extant Pan-Alcidae (Aves, Charadriiformes): combined phylogenetic analyses, divergence estimation, and paleoclimatic interactions. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 748 p.
Song, J. (2011) Multiscale materials design of natural exoskeletons: fish armor. PhD dissertation, Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 282 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Polypterus_senegalus/whole/
Tadi, A.R. (2011) A finite element analysis of a Boa constrictor skull and the design of a jaw bone transducer. MS thesis, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Alabama, 52 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Boa_constrictor/
Tembe, G.N. (2011) Paleontology of the Blanco Formation Horses, Mediterranean Pliocene Cercopithecoids, and the Paleonvironment of the Blanco Formation and Pliocene Mediterranean. MS thesis, Interdisciplinary Studies, Texas Tech University, 170 p.
Tseng, J. (2011) Convergent morphological evolution in hyenas and dogs: the relationship between form and function. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of Southern California.
Womack, K.R. (2011) Re-evaluation of crinoid morphology and proposed relationship of crown groups, with insights from biogeography. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 96 p.

2010 Top of Page

Ahrens, H.E. (2010) Craniodental morphology of the racoon, Procyon lotor, and the relationships of Procyonidae. MS thesis, Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 204 p.
Al-Johar, M.M. (2010) Constraining fracture permeability by characterizing fracture surface roughness. MS thesis, Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 193 p.
Almberg, L.D. (2010) Temporal-spatial micro-scale investigations of shallow silicic conduits: late-stage degassing, crystallization, and alteration. PhD dissertation, Geology, University of Alaska, 247 p.
Andres, B.B. (2010) Systematics of the Pterosauria. PhD dissertation, Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 371 p.
Claeson, K.M. (2010) Trends in evolutionary morphology: a case study in the relationships of angel sharks and batoid fishes. PhD dissertation, Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 254 p.
de Witte, Y. (2010) Improved and practically feasible reconstruction methods for high resolution X-ray tomography. PhD dissertation, Physics, Ghent University, 270 p.
Ehret, D.J. (2010) Paleobiology and taxonomy of extinct lamnid and otodontid sharks (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii, Lamniformes). PhD dissertation, University of Florida.
Ekenseair, A.K. (2010) A fundamental investigation of NonFickian and Case II penetrant transport in glassy polymers. PhD dissertation, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 227 p.
Gostic, R.C. (2010) Characterization of plutonium particles originating from the BOMARC accident – 1960. PhD dissertation, Radiochemistry, University of Nevada, 165 p.
Katsaga, T. (2010) Geophysical imaging and numerical modelling of fractures in concrete. PhD dissertation, Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, 232 p.
Lane, J.A. (2010) The morphology and relationships of the hybodont shark Tribodus limae, with a phylogenetic analysis of hybodont sharks (Chondrichthyes, Hybodontiformes). PhD dissertation, Biology, City University of New York, 653 p.
Li, J. (2010) An investigation of behavior and modeling of bond for reinforced concrete. PhD dissertation, Engineering, University of Washington, 278 p.
Malinzak, M.D. (2010) Experimental analyses of the relationship between semicircular canal morphology and locomotor head rotations in primates. PhD dissertation, Biological Anthropology and Anatomy, Duke University, 236 p.
Ovaysi, S. (2010) Direct pore-level modeling of fluid flow in porous media. PhD dissertation, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, 137 p.
Owens, S.A. (2010) Advanced analysis of structured packing via computational fluid dynamics simulation. PhD dissertation, Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 144 p.
Slottke, D.T. (2010) Surface roughness of natural rock fractures: implications for prediction of fluid flow. PhD dissertation, Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 234 p.

2009 Top of Page

Boyer, D.M. (2009) New cranial and postcranial remains of late Paleocene Plesiadapidae (“Plesiadapiformes,” Mammalia) from North America and Europe: description and evolutionary implications. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 598 p.
Carter, Y. (2009) Monkey hear: a morphometric analysis of the primate auditory ossicles. MA thesis, Anthropology, University of Manitoba, 206.
Colayori, S.E. (2009) Anatomy and infrared imaging properties of the facial pits of pitvipers. MS thesis, Biology, Indiana State University, 51p.
Cooper, L.N. (2009) Evolution and development of cetacean appendages. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Kent State University, 198 p.
Egberts, S. (2009) The cranial morphology of an exceptionally preserved specimen of the Lower Permian reptile Captohrinus aguti. MS thesis, Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 80 p.
Ekdale, E.G. (2009) Variation within the bony labyrinth of mammals. PhD dissertation, Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 456 p.
Friedman, M. (2009) The diversification of the acanthomorph fishes: ecomorphological perspectives on an evolutionary radiation. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, University of Chicago, 473 p.
Goergen, E.T. (2009) Tectonics of metamorphic crystallization. PhD dissertation, Geology, University of Minnesota, 301 p.
Griffin, N.L. (2009) Comparative forefoot kinematics and bone architecture in extant hominids. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, George Washington University, 208 p.
Lee, S.S. (2009) Polyacrylamide amendment for erosion and runoff control on soils of differing characteristics. PhD dissertation, Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Missouri, 194.
Lujan, N.K. (2009) Jaw morpho-functional diversity, trophic ecology, and historical biogeography of the neotropical suckermouth armored catfishes (Siluriformes, Loricariidae). PhD dissertation, Biology, Auburn University, 250 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Leporacanthicus_joselimai/, http://digimorph.org/specimens/Panaque_cf_nigrolineatus/whole/, http://digimorph.org/specimens/Chaetostoma_sp/
Nevell, L. (2009) Hominin cranial base evolution and genes implicated in basioccipital
development: role of Pax7, Fgfr3 and Disp1 in basioccipital development and integration. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, George Washington University, 160 p. Supplemental material: http://www.digimorph.org/specimens/Pan_troglodytes/
Shabel, A.B. (2009) Craniodental morphology and biogeochemistry of African carnivorans: toward a new model of Plio-Pleistocene Hominin evolution. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of California Berkeley, 373 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Enhydra_lutris/female/skull/
Slater, G.J. (2009) Biomechanical adaptations to predation in the carnivoran craniofacial skeleton. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of California Los Angeles, 68 p.
Tahara, R. (2009) Cranial pneumaticity of Ornithomimus edmontonicus (Ornithomimidae: Theropoda). MS thesis, Biology, McGill University, 88 p.
Unal, E. (2009) Lower Cambrian marine animal and bacterial paleontology, and ancient endosymbiosis. PhD dissertation, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, 423 p.

2008 Top of Page

Bhullar, B.-A.S. (2008) Anatomy and phylogeny of Xenosaurus and its extinct relatives. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 592 p.
Daza Vaca, J.V. (2008) Cladistic analysis of the Gekkota (Reptilia) by means of craniological data. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of Puerto Rico, 227 p.
Gamble, A.B. (2008) Origins and diversification of New World geckos. PhD dissertation, Biology, University of Minnesota, 188 p.
Hartstone-Rose, A. (2008) Evaluating the Hominim scavenging niche through analysis of the carcass-processing abilities of the carnivore guild. PhD dissertation, Biological Anthropology and Anatomy, Duke.
Holekamp, T.F. (2008) A novel high-speed sectioning fluorescence microscope reveals patterned neural responses to pheromones. PhD dissertation, Neurosciences, Washington University, 151 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Mus_musculus/
Macrini, T.E. (2008) The evolution of endocranial space in mammals and non-mammalian cynodonts. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 295 p.
Maga, A.M. (2008) Systematic paleontological investigation of the metatherian fauna from the Paleogene Uzuncarsidere Formation, Central Turkey. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 323 p.
Nair, N.G. (2008) Measurement and modeling of multiscale flow and transport through large-vug Cretaceous carbonates. PhD dissertation, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 191 p.
Owens, S.A. (2008) Quantitative analysis of vapor phase flow physics in structured packing via X-ray based particle tracking velocimetry. MS thesis, Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin.
Seale, B. (2008) Basicranial and otic region anatomy of Protoceras celer and the phlogenetic position of the Family Protoceratidae (Order: Artiodactyla). MS thesis, Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, 213 p.
Snitting, D. (2008) Morphology, taxonomy and interrelationships of tristichopterid fishes (Sarcopterygii, Tetrapodomorpha). PhD dissertation, Physiology and Developmental Biology, Uppsala University, 56 p.
Tetzner, G. d-C. (2008) Aplicação da tomografia computadorizada industrial na análise de rochas. MS thesis, Tecnologia Nuclear – Aplicações, Universidade de São Paulo, 86 p.

2007 Top of Page

Al-Aqeel, S.M. (2007) Elastic properties and three-dimensional osteonal structure of cortical bone in the human midfacial skeleton. PhD dissertation, Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, 172 p.
Alvarez-Barreto, J.F. (2007) A bone tissue engineering approach based on the combination of biomimetic scaffolds and flow perfusion culture. PhD dissertation, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Oklahoma, 233 p.
Arambula Mercado, E. (2007) Influence of fundamental material properties and air void structure on moisture damage of asphalt mixes. PhD dissertation, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 204 p.
Berg, C.A. (2007) Strain rates and constraints on chemical homogeneity and length scales of equilibration during Alpine metamorphism at Passo del Sole, central Swiss Alps. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 357 p.
Callier, V. (2007) Comparative ontogeny of the humerus of the Devonian tetrapods Ichthyostega and Acanthostega. MPhil thesis, Paleontology, University of Cambridge, 57 p.
Coleman, M.N. (2007) The functional morphology and evolution of the primate auditory system. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Stoney Brook University, 517 p.
Flaaten, A.K. (2007) Experimental study of microemulsion characterization and optimization in enhanced oil recovery: a design approach for reservoirs with high salinity and hardness. MS thesis, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 295 p.
Gbosi, A.O. (2007) Parameter modeling for a mechanistic understanding of microbial plugging. MS thesis, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 98 p.
Gerrit, M.K. (2007) Kephalometrische und histomorphometrische Auswirkungen des LTBP-1 Knockouts bei Mäusen. PhD dissertation, Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technical University Aachen, 119 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Mus_musculus/
Gomez, M.S.M. (2007) A three dimensional finite element method and multigrid solver for a Darcy-Stokes system and applications to vuggy porous media. PhD dissertation, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 95 p.
Gosman, J.H. (2007) Patterns in ontogeny of human trabecular bone from Sunwatch Village in the Prehistoric Ohio Valley. PhD dissertation, Physical Anthropology, Ohio State University, 574 p.
Kaehr, B.J. (2007) Defining cellular microenvironments using multiphoton lithography. PhD dissertation, Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, 158 p.
Ksepka, D.T. (2007) Phylogeny, histology and functional morphology of fossil penguins (Sphenisciformes). PhD dissertation, Geology, Columbia University, 287 p.
Nettles, J.W. (2007) Petrology of chondrule precursors and sorting of particles in ordinary chondrites. PhD dissertation, Geology, University of Tennessee, 179 p.
Nielson, R.Y. (2007) Nonlinear laser microfabrication in biological environments. PhD dissertation, Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, 148 p.
Racicot, R.A. (2007) Comparative morphology of true porpoise (Odontoceti: Phocoenidae) pterygoid sinuses: phylogenetic and functional implications. MS thesis, Biology, San Diego State University, 91 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Phocoena_phocoena/adult/
Sipla, J.S. (2007) The semicircular canals of birds and non-avian theropod dinosaurs. PhD dissertation, Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University, 253 p.
Stein, E. (2007) Origin and significance of plagioclase on garnet coronas, Nason terrane, North Cascades, Washington, USA: pseudosection modeling and X-ray computed tomography. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Alabama, 93 p.
Triche, N.E. (2007) Systematics, biogeography, and evolutionary history of fossil and extant penguins (Aves: Sphenisciformes). PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 511 p.
Vigliotta, T.R. (2007) A phylogenetic study of the Mochokidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes). MS thesis, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, 221 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Acanthocleithron_chapini/whole/
Wang, J.M. (2007) Animating the ivory-billed woodpecker. MS thesis, Computer Graphics, Cornell University, 208 p. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Campephilus_principalis/USNM345166/whole/
Wolff, E.D.S. (2007) Oral pathology of the Archosauria: bony abnormalities and phylogenetic inference. PhD dissertation, Earth Sciences, Montana State University, 348 p.
Yuan, Q. (2007) Experimental and modeling studies of contaminant transport in capped sediments during gas bubble ebullition. PhD dissertation, Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University, 215 p.

2006 Top of Page

Bever, G.S. (2006) Studies on post-natal variation and variability in the vertebrate skeleton and its paleontological implications. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 719 pp.
Gandler, G.L. (2006) Mechanistic understanding of microbial plugging for improved sweep efficiency. MS thesis, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 101 pp.
Gatchalian, D. (2006) Characterization of aggregate resistance to degradation in stone matrix asphalt mixtures. MS thesis, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University.
Green, C.W. (2006) Hydraulic characterization of structured packing via x-ray computed tomography. PhD dissertation, Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 230 pp.
Hawkins, A.T. (2006) Fishnet and atoll garnets from the Tauern Window, eastern Alps: conditions and mechanisms of formation. MS thesis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, 137 pp.
Hersum, T.G. (2006) Phase change and melt dynamics in partially molten rock. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, 174 pp.
Holliday, C.M. (2006) Evolution and function of the jaw musculature and adductor chamber of archosaurs (crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds). PhD dissertation, Biology, Ohio University, 325 p.
Horsman, E. (2006) Quantifying heterogeneous deformation: theory and application. PhD dissertation, Geology, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 247 pp.
Jamniczky, H.A. (2006) Turtle cranial arterial circulation: integrative analysis of a systematically influential character complex. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, 305 pp.
Jones, M.E.H. (2006) Skull evolution and functional morphology in Sphenodon and other Rhynchocephalia (Diapsida: Lepidosauria). PhD dissertation, Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London, 567 pp.
Lee, S.S. (2006) Soil surface-seal measurement using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRCT). MS thesis, Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Missouri, 155 pp.
Macrini, T.E. (2006) The evolution of endocranial space in mammals and non-mammalian cynodonts. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 278 pp.
Myers, N. (2006) A textural exploration of the physical attributes of pumice from the 23,000 Y.B.P. eruption of Popocatepetl volcano in central Mexico. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 248 pp.
Robinson, J. (2006) The evolution of the early tetrapod middle ear and associated structures. PhD dissertation, Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London, 435 pp.
Sprague, T.S. (2006) X-ray tomography for evaluation of damage in concrete bond. MS thesis, Civil Engineering, University of Washington, 208 pp.

2005 Top of Page

Brunson, D.S. (2005) Simulating fluid flow in vuggy porous media. PhD dissertation, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 83 p.
Conrad, J.L. (2005) Shinisaur osteology and the evolution of Squamata. PhD dissertation, Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, 682 p..
Erdogan, S.T. (2005) Determination of aggregate shape properties using X-ray tomographic methods and the effect of shape on concrete rheology. PhD dissertation, Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 321 pp.
Huddlestone-Holmes, C.R. (2005) The essence of FIA: a study of the distribution of foliation intersection axes data and its significance from hand sample to regional scales. PhD dissertation, James Cook University, Queensland, 159 pp.
Mahadevan, J. (2005) Flow through drying of porous media. PhD dissertation, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 301 pp.
Zhang, L. (2005) Multiscale flow and transport in highly heterogeneous carbonates. PhD dissertation, Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 195 p.

2004 Top of Page

Bush, E.C. (2004) Evolution and scaling in mammalian brains. PhD dissertation, Biology, California Institute of Technology, 55 pp.
Fajardo, R.J. (2004) Comparative muCT analysis of anthropoid trabecular architecture. PhD dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 238 pp.
Franzosa, J. W. (2004) Evolution of the brain in Theropoda. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 357 pp.
Kameda, A. (2004) Permeability evolution in sandstone: digital rock approach. PhD dissertation, Geophysics, Stanford University, 146 pp.
Mickler, P.J. (2004) Controls on the stable isotopic composition of speleotherms, Barbados, West Indies. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 161 pp.
Mote, A.S. (2004) A kinematic investigation in the Cripple Creek District, central Colorado: Implications regarding structural controls influencing the location and distribution of gold ore zones. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 182 pp.
Turner, A.H. (2004) Osteology and phylogeny of a new species of Araripesuchus (Crocodyliformes: Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar and crocodyliform biogeography during the Cretaceous with its implications for the break-up of Gondwana. MS thesis, Geosciences, University of Iowa, 330 pp.

2003 Top of Page

Balanoff, A.M. (2003) Osteological description of an embryonic Elephant Bird (Ratitae: Aepyornis) using high-resolution x-ray computed tomography, with a discussion of growth in Aepyornis. MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 175 pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Aepyornis_maximus/
Dean, M.N. (2003) Kinematics and functional morphology of the feeding aparatus of the lesser electric ray, Narcine brasiliensis. MS thesis, Biology, University of South Florida, 117 pp.
Dufeau, D. (2003) The cranial anatomy of the theropod dinosaur Shuvuuia deserti (Coelurosauria: Alvarezsauridae), and its bearing upon coelurosaurian phylogeny. MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 275 pp.
Lane, E.D. (2003) An evaluation of the pressure dependence of rare-earth-element concentrations in garnets from the Llano Uplift. MS thesis, University of Texas, 184 pp.
McFarlane, C.M. (2003) Diffusion, closure temperatures, and accessory mineral petrogenesis in a high-temperature aureole: Refining the integration of P-T and t. PhD dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 221 pp.
Nance, H. (2003) The cranial osteology of Angolosaurus skoogi (Squamata: Gerrhosauridae) with comments on the morphology and phylogeny of the Cordyliformes. MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 233 pp.
Rossie, J.B. (2003) Ontogeny, homology, and phylogenetic significance of anthropoid paranasal sinuses. PhD dissertation, Yale University, 278 pp.
Tashman, L. (2003) Microstructural viscoplastic continuum model for asphalt concrete. PhD dissertation, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 178 pp.
Triche, N. (2003) Cranial osteology of Caiman crocodilus and implications for its systematic placement. MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 199 pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Caiman_crocodilus/

2002 Top of Page

Hodges, W.L. (2002) Phrynosoma systematics, comparative reproductive ecology, and conservation of a Texas native. PhD dissertation, Biological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 210 pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/resources/horned.phtml
Kik, P.K. (2002) Computed tomographic (CT) examination of the craniomandibular morphology of Kryptobaatar dashzevegi (Mammalia, Multituberculata). MS thesis, University of Louisville, 94 pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Kryptobaatar_dashzevegi/
Lang, M. (2002) Formation and segregation of melts during deformation: an approach with analogue materials. PhD dissertation, Geowissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 210 pp.
Le Calvez, J.H. (2002) Physical modeling of normal faults and graben relays above salt. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 450 p.
Meth, C.E. (2002) Diffusion-controlled growth from a heterogeneous precursor: Garnet crystallization at Passo del Sole, Switzerland. MS thesis, Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 78 pp.
Stevenson, J.F. (2002) The safety of water movement and hydraulic architecture in cacti. PhD dissertation, Biology, The University of Texas at Austin, 121 p.

2001 Top of Page

Maga, A.M. (2001) Direct three-dimensional morphometric analysis of the calcanei of some catarrhines. MA thesis, Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin, 65 pp.
Ryan, T. (2001) The structure and function of trabecular bone in the femoral head of strepsirhine primates. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin, 285 pp.
Schmit, C.E. (2001) Evaluation of X-ray imaging to investigate hydraulic performance of vapor-liquid contactors. PhD dissertation, Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 313 pp.
Steffen, K.J. (2001) Integrated structural and metamorphic analysis of textural evolution in the Greiner zone, Tauern Window, eastern Alps. MS thesis, Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, 199 pp.

2000 Top of Page

Anderson, J.S. (2000) Anatomy, functional morphology and phylogeny of Aistopoda (Tetrapoda, lepospondyli). PhD dissertation, Biology, McGill University, 295 pp.
Hirsch, D.M. (2000) Quantitative studies of porphyroblastic textures. PhD dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 153 pp.
Macrini, T.E. (2000) High resolution X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) of the skull of an extant opossum (Monodelphis domestica) and a comparison of its ontogeny to synapsid phylogeny. MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 158 with CD-ROM pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Monodelphis_domestica/whole/
Owen, P.R. (2000) Phylogenetic relationships among American badgers (Taxidiinae) and the evolution of the badger ecomorph (Chamitataxus avitus). PhD dissertation, University of Texas, 321 pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Taxidea_taxus/
Turich, C.H. (2000) Paleoecology and diagenesis of the lower Capitan Reef, Slaughter Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. MS thesis, University of Texas, 135 pp.

1999 Top of Page

Colbert, M.W. (1999) Patterns of evolution and variation in the Tapiroidea (Mammalia: Perissodactyla). PhD dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 464 pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/resources/tapirs.phtml

1998 Top of Page

Helmle, K. (1998) Relationships between skeletal architecture and density banding in the reef coral Diploria strigosa from X-radiography, X-ray computed tomography, and image analysis techniques. MS thesis, Nova Southeastern University, 86 pp.
Tykoski, R.S. (1998) The osteology of Syntarsus kayentakatae and its implications for Ceratosaurid phylogeny. MA Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 217 pp. Supplemental material: http://digimorph.org/specimens/Syntarsus_kayentakatae/